Actually, I don’t know who once sat in the pictured old rocking chair. I don’t even remember where I took the picture. I just found it last evening in one of the many boxes I’ve been removing from the basement, stored there for nearly a half-century. I can picture her however, as she once had […]
To Ponder
Indo Asian Street Eatery Reaching Out from Tacoma to Lakewood
We used to really enjoy Pacific Grill in downtown Tacoma, COVID killed off PG and many other restaurants. But now, one of our favorite restaurants in Tacoma to celebrate occasions is Indo Asian Street Eatery. We’ve celebrated a number of times with our relatives and friends. The latest visit was just for the two of […]
Let’s Talk! – What’s in a name?
This week’s dinner pondering is about a quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It’ s claim is that naming is irrelevant, as “that which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet”. In linguistic terms this means that the signifier doesn’t determine the significant. Let me claim that this might […]
Letter: Befuddled by AG antics
Submitted by Deryl McCarty, South Hill. I am somewhat befuddled by the legal antics of the state’s chief legal officer, the Attorney General, in suing to stop a merger between Kroger and Albertson’s grocery stores. First, because a lawsuit takes time and resources (read: our tax money) away from defending us against the real […]
Across the Fence: Wirtschaftswunder
You probably have heard of this Germanism in the English language, describing the “economic miracle” that happened to Germany after World War II. The Wirtschaftswunder (pronounce: ‘veert-shafts-voon-dah) was the rapid reconstruction and development of the Western German (and Austrian) economy after complete devastation. The term was apparently coined by The Times in 1950. This song […]
Perspectives on New Beginnings
Over many years, I’ve had to start again, and again, and again. I’m sure others have also had to do this. When I was in my sixth year of marriage, I had to start new with an 18-month-old son and a newborn daughter, when my 33-year-old wife died. Certainly I was confronted with lots of […]
Letter: Violated Privacy
Have you ever had people enter your home on their own invitation? I’m not talking burglars. I’m talking about people who are “legally” entering your homes, walking around your private zones, such as your bedrooms, and basically see pretty much everything you own. Are you renting in the City of Lakewood, Washington? Then, it’s most […]
Letter: He Sees, and Knows, and Cares
Just a pair of miniature Dutch shoes and some old books are among the remaining items left that will soon depart for their new home with her children. She was Dutch, loved tulips, and loved to have her husband read to her from those old books. There are memories there in those tear-stained ancient romance […]
Doreen Gets a Ride – A Short Story
I was standing in line at Dollar Tree. I had two packages of razors, a whiskbroom wannabe, and a three-pack of tooth brushes and a candy bar. The woman in front of me was dithering and fumbling. While she dithered the check-out lady tried to get one earring to fit inside the piercing. I tried […]