Manuel pulled his truck up behind his workers who were taking a break. The crew was laughing at the antics of the Boss of the crew. The Boss was acting out a story he had just read about a salesman who spilled oil all over his sales suit, buying the only suit he could afford, […]
To Ponder
Letter: Hide and Found
When my granddaughter was three years old, she and I sometimes played hide and seek. This is what would happen. I would say “…9…10! Read or not here I come!” And when I would then call out her name, followed by asking where she was, she would immediately respond, “I’m under the table!” The game […]
All Terrain Vehicles and a Smile
I looked up and smiled at Molly as she came towards our counter. We, well me anyway, had sold her a nice, used, standard ATV about two months before. She only wanted to talk with a girl or woman about ATVs. She had been hoodwinked by others (men) who sold her or tried to sell […]
Letter: Learning, and Love, Eclipsed
No, the line on the map is not the “lucky strip of the US that will be within view of the total solar eclipse this April 8.” Rather the line on the map is my flight to New Orleans for a conference I am attending this same weekend as “the great American eclipse,” a conference […]
The Sad Lady
It was a beautiful day in the South Sound and I was slightly irritated. I had been called in to replace another waitress. As soon as I put my phone near my face I realized I had made a mistake, but what are you going to do? I couldn’t pretend to be someone else, I […]
Let’s Talk! – To Waken this Long-Cherished Morn (Tonna)
The more I learn the less, I realize, I know. Today’s prompt from Tyrean Martinson’s book is another such case. I had never heard the line before nor had I heard of English Victorian writer Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. You might like to read up on this brilliant woman who was before her times in so […]
Across the Fence: Rucksack
With the calendar advancing towards summer, those of us who are into it are approaching hiking times. And that means, it’s time for an inventory. Are our shoes still good enough for what we intend to tackle? Do we need special shoe accessories for icy areas in the mountains? Are our working sticks still working […]
Letter: Rejection Can Breed Retaliation, But There’s a Better Way
The first day – of two back-to-back days climbing recently the peak pictured in this article – was crystal clear. From the very spot this foggy picture was taken on Day Two, on Day One, in contrast, the mountain in the distance commanded my attention for a good two hours as I ate my peanut […]
Letter: Relationships Threatened by Rivers
Majestic, mysterious, whimsical, the picturesque three-story chalet is perfectly situated in a grassy meadow. Though deep in the forest of the Olympic wilderness it cannot at all be described as nestled there among the trees but rather as commanding the most marvelous view anywhere to be found in the National Park. Rest awaits at the […]