By David Anderson, Tillicum He was best known for “the broken windows theory” – fix what’s visually and physically broken in a community – graffiti, litter, dilapidated and neglected properties – to prevent further vandalism which otherwise left unmaintained leads in turn to escalation of more serious crime.
To Ponder
Letter: “The envelope please . . . .”
By David Anderson, Tillicum At least as important if not more so at the 84th Oscars was not so much who won what but who dressed best and who outlandishly worst (she wore that?).
Letter: Books not butts
By David Anderson, Tillicum Quick announcement: Volunteers for judging the science fair at Tillicum Elementary are needed. Background checks are required which takes some time so ASAP contact Tara Longfellow at 253-583-5370 or . Ten to 15 judges are needed for the science fair on March 1st from 12:30-3. One of the biggest […]
Letter: Gambling expansion in Lakewood
By David Anderson, Tillicum Dolores Chiechi, executive director of the Recreational Gaming Association (RGA) of Washington, advocates on behalf of gambling expansion in Lakewood and state-wide in a TNT op-ed, February 22, 2012.
Westside Story – Photo Caption Challenge
Photo by Chris Chase, Story by Joseph Boyle I love this photo. I wish I could brag to you that it is my “shutter genius”. A family friend, Chris Chase, is an avid hiker. She took the photo and then graciously shared the image with me. The photo stirs creative imagination.
Letter: Gambling Expansion is Back
By David Anderson, Tillicum My five-year-old grandson loves to play “I Spy.” It’s a game he always wins because the version we use when he visits our house is the same one he has at his home so he’s very up on where all those very-hard-to-otherwise-find objects are in the jumbled pictures.
Westside Story – A Sign Of The Times
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Two photos tell the entire story. Sadly, Vive Bene is gone. Happily, Kimberly’s Café is now in our city to be enjoyed. The new sign makes it official.
Westside Story – Recycle at Recycle
Story & Photo – Joseph BoyleAt my age, any time I get to see something I have never seen before, I get excited. So there I was heading into the LRI Recycle Dump located at 10308 Sales Road South, Tacoma, Washington, 98499 with 1600 pounds of ice-storm branches and brush. What could be more boring […]
Westside Story – City Solution for Dukes of Hazard
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Do you remember my May 23, 2011 story and photos titled Westside Story – Dukes of Hazard? The story provided a description of the aftermath of one more reckless driver racing down Gravelly Lake Drive SW. As she sped southbound down on Gravelly Lake Drive SW, which is a […]