The water was rough. For us. That was just the beginning. It’s the largest fall rowing regatta in the West Coast, “a prestigious rowing event” that in its 36th-or-so year drew nearly 400 entries representing three countries and 10 states.
To Ponder
Westside Story – Sign of the Past & Future
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The other day while I was at work I found myself inside the Vice Principal’s office. It was a fairly comfortable experience for me since I spent a lot of time in the Vice Principal’s office back in the 1960s during my high school years. While looking around, I spotted this […]
Letter: High Speed Rail deadline
By David Anderson, Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association president The high-speed deadline approaches for your letter protesting high speed rail through Lakewood. To the degree that Lakewood residents don’t like the Washington Department of Transportation-Federal Railroad Administration (WSDOT-FRA) plan to run fast trains through residential neighborhoods, emailing comments by November 9 directly to the top boss […]
Westside Story – Banana Mind
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle My title to this article is somewhat unique. Please allow me to explain myself. Few people know that Starbucks has a produce section. It is an itty-bitty produce section. They only sell bananas. So, you can buy a banana and just eat it like an ordinary monkey or Starbucks will blend […]
Westside Story – Ooh La La!
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle You just never know what you are going to see if you keep your eyes open. I was visiting the Starbucks on Steilacoom Boulevard when I happened upon a very unusual collector car in the parking lot. It is a mint condition French 1960 Renault 4 cylinder 4-door. Between […]
Letter: Death by Train
By David Anderson, Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association, president Now that yet another death has occurred by train along Amtrak’s waterfront route, it is fair – again – to raise the question as to the wisdom of moving these trains to the life-congested tracks of Lakewood. Let alone do so without grade separations.
Westside Story – Islander
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle While we do not wish to slander the Islander, 15 of us at Towne Center Starbucks were wondering why the Islander is making a habit of parking this truck facing the wrong way in the drive-through lane at Starbucks. This spot is meant for cars travelling in the opposite […]
Exchanging our Color Crayons for a #2 Pencil
By David Anderson, President – Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association As our grandson prepared for his first day of Kindergarten just a month ago, in contemplation of the Big Event he said to his daddy “Wait! Does this mean I won’t be able to play all day anymore?” Pretty profound question for a six-year-old, one the […]
Westside Story – “Hot Diggity Dog”
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Back in 1959 Pierce County and the City of Tacoma joined forces to build what is still known as the County City Building located at 930 Tacoma Av S, Tacoma, Washington. Many of us make trips to the County City Building for all kinds of reasons including court, public records, […]