Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle I found myself in another school principal’s office the other day. I noticed the sign depicted in my photo posted prominently on the Principal’s office wall.
To Ponder
Letter: The Brick Layer
What is the difference between a brick layer and a cathedral builder? Everything.
Letter: Sex Trafficking
“The issue of women being exploited, mistreated and devalued is a global concern,” and Chris Gilge of the Starfish Project will be one of our featured panelists at the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) meeting on January 3, 2013.
Westside Story – zipcar
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Friday on my way home from work I stopped at Starbucks on 11th and Pacific in downtown Tacoma to pick up a rolling Freeway beverage. There it was, zipcar. My nephew, Paul, had told me about zipcar. He lived in Boston for several years and never owned a car. He zipped […]
Westside Story – Negative & Positive Set-ups
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle I have hundreds of stories I could share with you regarding the concept “Negative & Positive Set-up”. Let me just share a few negative set-up stories with you. NEGATIVE SET-UP: How about the guy who put a briefcase on the top of his car? This happened years ago. He is […]
Letter: Whole lotto-trouble
Why does The Patch promote the Lottery? Click on the “About Us” at The Patch and you’ll read this: “We want to be the most trusted . . . resource in your community . . . . We hope that our sites will strengthen communities and improve the lives of their residents.”
Letter: Gambling in Lakewood gets a bye?
Bowling pin refinishing fees and charges for Haunted Houses in Lakewood are slated to rise along with property taxes, gas utility taxes, and costs to use public parks per the Special Meeting of the City Council set for Monday, Nov.26, 7 P.M. at City Hall.
Letter: The Road Less Celebrated
Win or lose in the just completed election, what did we learn? Do you like driving up and down narrow two-lane country roads? Or turning off onto rutted, overhung, no-turnaround, single-wide dirt paths that don’t show up on a map? Just to see where they go?
Westside Story – Jimmy John’s
Story & Photo Joseph Boyle I was working out on South Hill Puyallup this evening when I spotted this attractive eye catching restaurant called Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches, aka (JJ’s). I had never really seen a JJ’s before. The magnetic attraction of the joint pulled me right into the parking lot.