By David Anderson No, the original – nor any – version of The Star-Spangled Banner, also known as the national anthem of the United States, did not – and had not until Lady Gaga changed it – end that way. Until this past Friday night.
To Ponder
Letter: Poop Pummeling Perusal Pries a Pretty Penny
By David Anderson $592,527 to be exact. It is unknown what the balance of the $600,000 grant was used for but it at first seems a bit pricey to use this – or any – amount of taxpayer money to study why chimps throw poop.
Letter: Upon Further Review
By David Anderson “There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience.” – Archibald MacLeish, American Poet and Critic (1892-1982) Now that Camp Murray has got the gate they wanted and Tillicum residents are fed with anecdotal traffic counts and fed up with city hall, what […]
Letter: Welcome – There, I Said It
By David Anderson Now, Mr. John Caulfield, let’s talk about what you are reported to have said in your ‘hire-me-as-your-new-city-manager’ speech. According to former City Councilmember Walter Neary’s blog, when you and the other candidates were asked about what mistakes they’d made in their career you “chose the most painful example, where (you) could have done better […]
Letter: Neary, Not-nearly, Represented Our Community
By David Anderson Former Lakewood City Councilman Walter Neary promised an explanation of what happened to Tillicum such that it “endured one of the most bitter neighborhood debates in (Neary’s) recent memory.” The “debate” concerned Camp Murray’s encroachment upon the neighborhood’s interior streets with hundreds of cars traversing the town no thanks to the relocation of […]
Letter: Murray-Gate Investigation Renewed
By David Anderson Turns out not only Tillicum was kept in the dark.
Letter: Welcome to Our World Walter
By David Anderson Lakewood’s Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board is under investigation. As are apparently all other volunteer advisory boards in the city.
Letter: And a Partridge in a Pear Tree
By David Anderson From learning to drive to learning about life, girls need their dads. Mexican gun running; State Department lying; IRS conservative targeting; DOJ accused of spying; Sebelius out HHS fundraising; NSA cell phone monitoring; Holder to stay, he’s insisting; Obama concedes Plan-B ruling; gun control fires kept burning; and a partridge in a […]
Letter: The Biggest Fish Ever
By David Anderson How important is a story of the biggest catch ever? At the boathouse we give away free coffee for good fish stories which, actually, isn’t saying much since even without a good fish story we also say “If you can drink it you can have it.”