A friend on Facebook this morning wrote that she is “in the market for a new dishwasher,” that hers had been “out of order” for some time now. The friend was soliciting recommendations on “why you love your dishwasher.” So people were responding to her in-need-of-dishwasher-recommendations request with the features of theirs that they liked: energy […]
To Ponder
Letter: When Push Comes To Shove – Taxpayers Tossed
‘When push comes to shove it’s no longer love,’ wrote one pundit about the importance of maintaining healthy relationships. The author could just as well have been reflecting on the relationship between elected officials and the citizens to which they once-and-again promised to be true. How much the public viewpoint actually matters to politicians always comes […]
Westside Story – Are People Dense?
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Recently after an 11 day layover in Milford, Delaware, I fired up my Harley and headed north towards Boston to visit my nephew, Paul Joseph, who was named after his favorite uncle. It was only 442 miles, so I should have arrived around 4:30 PM. As it turned out […]
Letter: Whoohoo for the Choo-choo
At 11:11 a.m. (EST) on 11/11/11, Las Vegas set a new Guinness World Record: the largest pair of fuzzy dice ever built – the total dots on the face numbering a-you-guessed-it 11. Vegas is nothing if not a strip of indescribable scale, scope, stimulation and over-the-top, literally larger-than-life extravagance. Perhaps for these reasons Nevada ranked first in America […]
Letter: Don’t Shoot
Two men. Two separate but recent incidents. One of the men is dead, the other alive. The dead one held a cap pistol. The living held a knife. Both were surrounded and outnumbered by far more heavily armed law enforcement. One was outlined in chalk. The other is still being sought. Their respective stories are linked above.
Westside Story – The Suburban Times Roving Traffic Cam
Story & Video – Joseph Boyle While he has never actually told me this, I think one of the reasons Publisher Ben Sclair keeps me around The Suburban Times is because he recognizes that I am a prolific idea guy. In fact I have a new idea right now. I am calling it The Suburban […]
Westside Story – Dolce
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle We live in a really big country. The USA is huge. I like using the word “huge”. My 3 year old grandson reacquainted me with the word huge when he said, “Papa Joe, your mustache is huge.” The USA is especially huge when explored from a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Letter: Why Character Matters
As important as are credentials character matters more. Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain wrote, “We know not the future, and cannot plan for it much. But we can determine and know what manner of men we will be whenever and wherever the hour strikes.”
Westside Story – International Relations
Photo & Story – Joseph Boyle I am on the backside of my first long distance motorcycle ride since having retired on April Fool’s Day, 2013. I left on May 15, 2013, with a full tank of gas and my Starbucks card. When my ride is over, I will have ridden over 9,000 miles including […]