By David Anderson Bikini barista stands to gambling taxes to how to pay for repairing potholes. Now that both John Simpson and Bryan Thomas have published their reviews (those reviews found by clicking on their respective names) of the forum hosted by the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) this past Thursday evening in which the two candidates for Lakewood City Council […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – Waffle Express & Creperie
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Have you visited the City of Lakewood’s Farmer’s Market yet? Learn more about our own Farmer’s Market here. There are lots of fun things to see and the market offers a variety of fresh food products, art, crafts and an entertainment stage. You can have lunch at the market […]
Letter: Is ‘dis’ respect?
By David Anderson ‘Johnny, what are you doing with your smartphone out while we’re having this most serious discussion?’ Johnny: ‘I’m bored. I need a break. So I’m playing poker.’
Westside Story – Free Defensive Firearms Classes
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Back in the early 1990s I met a cool guy by the name of Deputy Dan Hacker. He was cool then and he is cool now. Dan, always looking for a way to be a helpful to our community, serves as a Pierce County Sheriff’s deputy. For as long […]
Letter: Think About It
By David Anderson Why are football players stereotypically dumb? Why are blondes the brunt of jokes? And what does this have to do the collapse of our country? The answer, with respect to those on the gridiron, is not that they can’t handle homework. And blondes, well, the fact that they have more fun is to suggest a […]
Westside Story – Crash-Art Finger Painting
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle It is interesting to me that every human being making foot prints on our planet has a life story. The story is not always heard or told or written, but everyone has a story. In fact, having said that, if you have a story you might like to share […]
Letter: Tillicum Taken Off Life-Support
By David Anderson On its way to the morgue, Tillicum takes a detour with a flicker-of-life new lane for I-5. Vital signs: Backbone connectivity deterioration; critical lifeline threatened let alone curtailment of future growth and the latter only if delays in treatment are immediately addressed; congestion and clogging of arterials and choke points severe, experienced […]
Letter: Rail Rock ‘n Roll
By David Anderson It’s called “summer’s biggest moving party,” a chance for people to rock out before the train rolls on. Given the low view of high speed rail that unappreciative folks have taken toward the Point Defiance Rail Bypass that proposes to reroute passenger trains through Tillicum and other points of interest along I-5 […]
Westside Story: Black & White Vs. Black & White
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The day I arrived by motorcycle in the southern town of Clarksdale, Mississippi I checked into The Shack Up Inn, which is a historic cotton plantation. I spent a week living in a rustic sharecropper shack on the plantation. The shack was named Legends after icon Bluesman Buddy Guy’s […]