Submitted by Don Doman Welcome to the world of the Internet of Things (IoT). That means connected products delivering fantastic services AND reasons to worry. “Smart” products use the internet and report back to their home database. For example an smart electric circular saw might report back to the manufacturer when your blade needs to […]
To Ponder
Art Talks: Jim Anderson
It all started with a comrade’s well-made, but none too well-made cornhole board for an army event; he re-designed and created it to perfection. Or maybe it started way earlier, in school, when drawing was one of his favorite subjects. And he was good at it – that good, that he won an architectural drawing […]
Down Under and Above Board
Submitted by Don Doman We donated a special Name That Tune night to our Tacoma Rotary auction. Politician Jake Fey won the bid and was the only person we knew at the evening of fine dining, talk, and Name That Tune with me at the piano. My wife, Peggy was the sole judge and jury. […]
Exercise a Teenage Mind and Compete – Science Olympiad
Submitted by Don Doman Writing in an article entitled “The US is falling behind academically” the World Economic Forum writes “Recently released data from international math and science assessments indicate that U.S. students continue to rank around the middle of the pack, and behind many other advanced industrial nations.” An earlier report in 2015 noted […]
Letter: Lakewood’s Use of Force Policy – now will it be reviewed?
One of the largest police deadly force wrongful death verdicts in state history – more than $15 million awarded to the family of Leonard Thomas “an unarmed black man killed by a SWAT sniper in Fife”– recently found against the near-by cities of Lakewood and Fife, Washington.
Show Them the Money – My Favorite Negotiating Technique
Submitted by Don Doman An old Eagles Hall used to be our studio in downtown Tacoma. We shared offices with a non-competing video firm. They did a lot of dupe work making VHS copies of 3/4 inch video masters. I would occasionally pass through their control room while copies were being made. I was walking […]
Westside Story – Racing Pigeons Go To School
Photos – Jessie Garza Recently I shared an article with you titled Westside Story – Who Pick, You Pick. I believe I succeeded in telling you more about pigeons than you ever thought you wanted to know. As difficult as it to imagine, I have more pigeon talk.
Letter: ‘I love you dad!’
Two out of three of our grandsons with that message to their dad on camera isn’t bad. And while winning two-out-of-three ballgames isn’t a sweep, it’s still more than the other guys.
Letter: Sharing the last donut
To be successful, which of the following is most important? A. Become more tech savvy. B. Cut costs. C. Improve communication with customers and prospects. D. Gain market share. E. None of the above.