On December 30, 2016, Publisher Ben Sclair posted my Westside Story – Saint or Sinner? in The Suburban Times. The same day, I received a copy of Ms. Dana Holt’s article from the AAUW online Tacoma Branch monthly newsletter. AAUW is an acronym for an organization of women called American Association of University Women. The […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – Saint or Sinner?
A sign of the times. Look at this sign and you see the word Saint.
2016 – The Year in… Woo…
We no more than curbed ebola, then Zika came on a tourist visa. Jolly Old England voted to Brexit, then took the walk of shame the next day. Boy… we would never do something THAT stupid.
Westside Story – Only 4 Readers
Lakewood City Council, If only 3 or 4 people read David Anderson’s letters as Mr. Wilson states in his comment at the bottom of Mr. Anderson’s article dated 12-29-16, titled, Letter: Three Questions To Ask A Prospective Landlord… then you should pay attention to what Mr. Anderson has to say. Why? Look at the stats.
Letter: Three questions to ask a prospective landlord (in Lakewood and elsewhere) before signing an apartment lease
“Most people tend to rush signing a lease,” warned Nancy Simmons Starrs in the December 28, 2016 “Washington Post.” Indeed, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,” likewise warned Alexander Pope in a poem about tenant/landlord relationships gone bad (or maybe 1711 was pre-rental inspection days).
Letter: New Year’s resolution – never ‘whatever’
Whatever is the most annoying word of the year just ending? Yes. It’s both a question and a statement to which ‘whatever’ is the answer.
Letter: Three predictions for 2017
Marijuana sales will sprout – like the weed that it is – in Lakewood, the city joining La La Land – not the movie but its neighbors – in transitioning from holdout (bans) to handout (bucks). “Principles,” after all, opined the Tacoma News Tribune Editorial Board, “don’t keep the lights on.” And sprigs, that is […]
Letter: Deck the halls with boughs of folly
From the encroachment that accompanies complex, time-consuming, convoluted and cumbersome rental inspection programs, to government-grant research papers concluding that five-to-eight-year-olds prefer clean food as opposed to allegedly sneezed-on food, is it any wonder American’s trust in government to “do the right thing” has hit historic lows? Just published is the 154-page 2nd annual edition of […]
Westside Story – Hard Dollars or Soft Dollars?
When you look at my first photo, do you immediately think, Tax Shelter? In 1953 I lived next door to Mr. Sandy Sandstrom, LPA. LPA or Licensed Public Accountant was a professional designation which was ultimately replaced by our modern day CPA or Certified Public Accountant designation. Eventually LPAs became extinct.