It’s true. The landlord registration program will not move forward after all. The City Council has decided they will not enforce it.
To Ponder
Westside Story – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Two things amaze me. I am amazed at all the natural beauty we can find in the City of Lakewood if we take time to notice what is around us. Many good Lakewood residents work hard in their yards and in our community to provide beauty for everyone to enjoy. Good citizens make our world […]
Surprisingly Affordable Home Investments in Tacoma
Submitted by Kevin Grossman Are you looking for a great value on owning a home for you, your kids or a friend? Do you want to be walking distance to great parks, schools, a short drive to groceries and regional transit options just a few minutes away? Looking, also for a possible great investment? Yes, […]
Home from Home: October 31
Next week Wednesday is a red calendar day for so many American children. They have probably been figuring for weeks already what costumes to wear. Some will go to parties. Some will walk from door to door the old-fashioned way. Some will go trunk-or-treating in the safe surroundings of a local church. The rest of […]
Helping the McNeil Island Inmate Community
Last Sunday, my wife, Peggy and I met with an old friend, Steve Anderson. We had all been involved in Jaycees in the 1970s. Steve remembered that he had been our club’s State Director. It was his job to involve our members with other Jaycee clubs in our region. We were having lunch at the […]
Spanky Burger & Brew – Restaurant Review
Peg and I stopped in on a whim. We didn’t know what to expect. We’ve dined within several yards of this new Sixth Avenue (& South Pine) restaurant many times. Next door is the Original Pancake House. The menu on the wall is fairly easy to read. Since Peg ordered fries, I ordered a Caesar […]
Westside Story – Remember Patty Hearst?
Remember Patty Hearst? I do. The year was 1974. Socialite Patty Hearst was an heiress to her grandfather, William Randolph Hearst’s, publishing wealth. Patty was a 19-year-old college student attending the University of California – Berkeley when a terrorist group known as the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) kidnapped her.
She Loves Me – Classic Film and Classy Musical
I’m not sure when I actually saw the film The Shop Around the Corner, but I know I had seen Ninotchka by the time I finished sixth grade. Ninotchka was directed by Ernst Lubitsch. So was The Shop Around the Corner. Both movies are black and white classics and both films hatched musicals based on […]
Westside Story: 4-Step RIP Inspection Process
Mr. David Anderson, The Tacoma News Tribune and I have written something close to 90 articles criticizing the City of Lakewood’s controversial Rental Housing Inspection Program, known as the R.I.P.