If you keep telling people things long enough, they start believing it and if what they hear is bad, things start going downhill. For a long time before the current recession became apparent, the national news media, especially the cable news programs, kept talking about recession; is one coming, is it already here, how bad […]
To Know
CPTC child center open house
About 100 people filled the Hayes Child Development Center at the Clover Park Technical College Campus Thursday afternoon for an open house and tour of the facilities. The center currently has 87 youngsters enrolled and they are overseen by a staff of about 30 trained professionals under the leadership of Manager Angela Johnson.
Steilacoom seeking Farmers Market vendors, committee volunteers
A Steilacoom Farmer’s Market is in the works with the first event slated for Wednesday, June 24, coinciding with the Town’s outdoor concert series. Additional markets will take place on succeeding Wednesdays through August 19. The market will open each Wednesday at 3 pm and continue through 7 pm on the multi-purpose court in downtown […]
Steilacoom changes silent movies
A change in silent films to be shown at the Silent Movie Night at the Steilacoom Historical Museum has been announced. Now slated for the screening is the slapstick antics of Felix the Cat plus the thrilling drama Ice Bound, the story of a 400-year-old man who’s been sealed in an ice block. This fourth […]
Steilacoom dancers making 24th Hawaii tour doing ‘Beauty of Dance’
Once again it’s that time of the year when Mary Petersen and Steve Behr, the Silver Stars from the Steilacoom Dance Company, pack their bags and venture to the Islands of Aloha. 2009 marks the 24th year that the couple will be entertaining and sharing their unique mainland dancing and wellness-oriented programs at hospitals, nursing […]
2009 Champions of Youth Breakfast
[singlepic id=36 w=320 h=240 float=left]A Clover Park School District teacher and a City of Lakewood employee were recognized for their efforts as a highlight of the annual Champions for Youth Breakfast put on by Communities in Schools Lakewood. Elizabeth Davis of Lochburn Middle School was honored as Outstanding After-School Teacher and Desiree Winkler, Transportation Division […]
Museum in danger of closing
After three years of operation, the Lakewood History Museum is in danger of having to close its doors due to a lack of operating funds. Lakewood Historical Society President Becky Huber said the society needs at least $25,000 in cash or pledges to allow it to keep the doors open for another year. “We’ve cut […]
County grant helps Steilacoom Museum in restoration project
With weather improvements expected in the next few weeks, Steilacoom Historical Museum Association (SHMA) members are getting ready to continue efforts to restore the Wagon Shop located adjacent to the Orr House and museum building in the historic area of Steilacoom, according to Joan Shalikashvili, association president. According to SHMA volunteer French Wetmore, SHMA received […]
Women’s business group hears history program
Becky Huber, president of the Lakewood Historical Society, took members of Lakewood Women in Business on a nostalgic photo tour of the Lakes area Thursday. Huber took the Lakewood women’s group through the history of the area starting with the arrival of the first white people and the creation of Fort Nisqually. The historical society […]