By mid-afternoon this past Wednesday there was an energy building in the air as the University Place Senior Center was being transformed almost magically into the setting for a community fundraising lasagna dinner dubbed Festa Italiana. Red and white checkered tablecloths alternating with white linen ones stretched down row after row of banquet tables adorned […]
To Know
Unusual Sight
UNUSUAL SIGHT – Monday evening this obviously old ferry boat was tied up parallel to the shore at Ketron Island, just south of the ferry landing. The tug boat and a small powerboat checked it all around and then left. Later that evening the Rhododendron ferry came in and made its regular stop at the […]
Spring 2010 AARP Driver Safety Class filled
Bridgeport Place welcomed 20 guests to the Spring 2010 AARP Driver Safety Class, which is an eight-hour course spanning two days’ time, and is geared toward drivers who are 50+. The class was taught by Merrie Sullivan, certified instructor, who is already scheduled to return again September 24 & 25 for another session. The Suburban […]
Block wall at Waughop Lake
One of the more ambitious projects at Ft Steilacoom Park during the recent Parks Appreciation Day was building this cinder block wall. Located at Waughop Lake in the park, the wall will keep the road from further deterioration. It will also provide a prime sitting area for those watching the regular radio control boats that […]
Spring Event at Bair Bistro
Forty-three members and guests of the Steilacoom Chamber of Commerce enjoyed a “Spring Evening at The Bair” on Thursday, April 22. Representing the Port of Tacoma, Connie Bacon was the featured guest speaker during the dinner. She stated that the Port is currently conducting a “nationwide search for a new CEO who is trustworthy, who […]
Pouring a sidewalk
Lakewood Rotarians poured cement for a sidewalk at the Playground @ Ft. Steilacoom Park Friday afternoon. Thursday they got it ready for the cement and Saturday club members and others in the community will add new wood chips to the 5-year-old playground and perform other maintenance. The projects are all part of the citywide Parks […]
Another Bloomin’ Trade Show
Lakewood Chamber of Commerce attracted a large group of local businesses and members for its “Another Bloomin’ Trade Show – Show Case Lakewood at the Great American Casino in Lakewood. The chamber holds this table-top trade show twice a year offering an evening of relaxed networking, fabulous hors d’oeurves and tons of door prizes.
Steilacoom barber battles cancer; join his fight
Pat Moon’s quaint barber shop in the heart of the Steilacoom’s Historic District has been a fixture there for many, many years. Customers could always count on a lively discussion of politics and other hot topics while getting a haircut. Now the town’s renowned barber needs your support in a different way. According to the […]
Dinner fundraiser 100% for UP Senior Center
Wednesday, April 28, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. University Place residents, friends, and families will join together at the University Place Senior Center for an early evening Lasagna Dinner with live entertainment provided by Thomas Brooks. There will be door prize drawings for spa services such as therapeutic massage; plus lunches, dinners, and more. Gather friends […]