By David Anderson Are you happy? If you live in the United States you are. At least generally speaking you are. “Among big countries, the United States ranks first” in happiness according to the “World Happiness Report” per an opinion piece the morning of April 16, 2012, by Robert J. Samuelson of the “Washington Post” .
To Know
Daddy’s shoes
by David Anderson It’s not Father’s Day, as in the day set aside to honor fathers, but there’s never a day when not to remember the importance of being a dad.
Letter: Daddy’s shoes
By David Anderson, Tillicum It’s not Father’s Day, as in the day set aside to honor fathers, but there’s never a day when not to remember the importance of being a dad.
Westside Story – 5 Guys
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Last week a young woman invited me to lunch. She is really young too; age 5. So I was thinking, where do I take a woman age 5 for lunch? I got it, Five Guys Burgers & Fries. This is a new Lakewood restaurant whose management has violated an old […]
Letter: When apple juice is no longer apple juice
By David Anderson, Tillicum Selling fake apple juice to babies seemed a harmless way to make ends meet. After all, Beech-Nut executives rationalized, there was a budget to meet. And besides, said a company executive, “So suppose the stuff was all water and flavor and sugar? Why get so upset about it? Who were we hurting?”
Letter: Shuttered Broken Windows
By David Anderson, Tillicum He was best known for “the broken windows theory” – fix what’s visually and physically broken in a community – graffiti, litter, dilapidated and neglected properties – to prevent further vandalism which otherwise left unmaintained leads in turn to escalation of more serious crime.
Letter: “The envelope please . . . .”
By David Anderson, Tillicum At least as important if not more so at the 84th Oscars was not so much who won what but who dressed best and who outlandishly worst (she wore that?).
Letter: Books not butts
By David Anderson, Tillicum Quick announcement: Volunteers for judging the science fair at Tillicum Elementary are needed. Background checks are required which takes some time so ASAP contact Tara Longfellow at 253-583-5370 or . Ten to 15 judges are needed for the science fair on March 1st from 12:30-3. One of the biggest […]
Westside Story – Photo Caption Challenge
Photo by Chris Chase, Story by Joseph Boyle I love this photo. I wish I could brag to you that it is my “shutter genius”. A family friend, Chris Chase, is an avid hiker. She took the photo and then graciously shared the image with me. The photo stirs creative imagination.