By David Anderson, Tillicum The following article contains graphic material although ironically enough it concerns back-to-school supplies for children. Your local Office Depot (OD) now not only offers notebooks and color crayons, but also bravery and courage. Here’s an excerpt from their ad:
To Know
Letter: Which is wrong?
By David Anderson, Tillicum Which of the following is wrong? Becoming careless in the production of a water-retention-reducing drug such that rodent poison finds its way into the production line – a line run at breakneck speeds, pharmacists required to fill 30 prescriptions per hour, more than 2.5 times the accepted standard, the company repeatedly […]
Letter: No longer needed
By David Anderson, Tillicum “America is in decline.” That’s the “sobering and pessimistic account of the country’s status in the world today” – the assessment of Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book “Strategic Vision” as reviewed by Harold Evans. It’s less a matter of products not being made in America so much as America mattering less in […]
Letter: When not to take a stand
By David Anderson Here on American Lake we don’t row in the wind, at least we don’t if we don’t have to. And we don’t spit into the wind. But if we did – spit or row – it’s better to do both downwind.
Letter: Monkey Morality
By David Anderson, Tillicum With regards the same-sex marriage (SSM) matter (I almost said debate) – in addition to the opinions expressed that are more often than not interspersed with name-calling – we’ve witnessed flash-mob street dancing, Obama-boy-rainbow-colored-presidential-crush-infatuating and other antics attractive to some, antagonizing to others with a whole lot more of the same anticipated between now and […]
Westside Story – Is it a Chrysler Airflow?
By Joe Boyle Do you remember my article posted on May 23, 2012 titled, 1935 Chrysler Airflow? Shortly after the article and photos were presented in The Suburban Times, one of my Starbucks pals, Scott Chandler, approached me and with a slight smile on his face bellowed out, “I have a fight to pick with […]
Letter: Father’s Day
By David Anderson, Tillicum It was a kite-flying contest for kids. Another blustery day on Whidbey Island, the wind pushed up the side of the bluff to where we dads and sons – and in some cases daughters – huddled together for warmth, receiving pre-event instructions. Port Townsend was visible across the strait where a ferry fought […]
Westside Story – Lobster Shop
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle A couple of weeks ago, six of us motored down to the Lobster Shop Restaurant on the Ruston Way waterfront. After being seated at a nice table overlooking Puget Sound, we noticed a Canada goose and her future family of 7. Her nest was in the flower box just on […]
Letter: A Toy in a Tube
By David Anderson, Tillicum It’s time to graduate. Commencement exercises will be followed by endless summer days, plans for success, the next adventure, dreams come true and living happily ever after. And shattered glass.