The board of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) supports the unanimous recommendation of the Lakewood’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to ban tobacco products and electronic cigarettes on park property.
To Know
Letter: Peace, Health and Safety at Stake!
“This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately.”
Letter: Can Pigs Fly? And about the Cow over the Moon
It’s bad enough to be the target of a seagull flock flyover. But if Legislative House Bill 2405 passes, watch out below.
Letter: Lakewood’s New City Promo: ‘Join the Party!’
By David Anderson The city is looking for a “marketing ‘phrase or slogan’ to establish community identity/image,” one of its New Year’s resolutions per last month’s annual weekend council retreat. Maybe “Free the Weed”?
Letter: Step Up To the Microphone, or Pick Up Your Pen
By David Anderson When city leaders sit on the smoking-ban-in-parks fence, hiding behind yours is not an option.
Westside Story – Starbucks Half Dozen
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Keila Pritchard, 4th from the left (photo below), was only 16 years old when I met him at the Towne Center Starbucks. I was shocked to learn he was 16. Keila always looked and acted with great maturity, beyond his years. Keila is a Running Start student at Clover […]
Letter: Government Plus the Lottery Doesn’t Add Up
By David Anderson Now that recreational marijuana businesses are legal in Washington, consider promoting your spot for pot on the Washington State Lottery website!
Saunders, Anderson honored for years of service
By Eric Warn District 19C Zone Chair Sandy Bradley (second from left) recently presented years of service chevrons to Lakewood First Lion Club members Sally Saunders (15 years) and John Anderson (40 years). Not pictured was Diane Formoso (15 Years). Lion Club President Eric Warn looks on.
Letter: Monkeys Appeal Banana Ban, Politician Portraits Unappealing
By David Anderson You would think bananas are to primates what portraits are to politicians. Not any more.