Submitted by Don Doman Once upon a time people with talent were sought out and paid fees based on how good they were. This was before the proliferation of computer programs and a blurring of between good and bad. Dorothy Wilhelm, writer and professional speaker once said, “There is only one thing worse than not […]
To Know
Planting the Seeds of Success
Submitted by Don Doman One of my favorite TV shows is “Undercover Boss.” The premise is that the owner or someone in upper-management goes from a suit to wearing a fakey disguise and pretends to be checking out businesses for a reality show. The boss sees what is right and what’s wrong with his company. […]
On the Up and Up – Video & Photo Tips
Submitted by Don Doman I don’t know why people persist in recording vertical images with their cell phone cameras and expect to play them and view them in a horizontal format. A nice horizontal shot gives you a panoramic view, while a vertical shot gives you a narrow field. I’ve worked with attorneys and police […]
Expanded Chambers Creek Off Leash Dog Park to open July 23
Dog owners and their furry friends will enjoy a new and expanded off leash dog area at the Chambers Creek Regional Park with a Grand Opening Sunday, July 23 (1-3 pm).
Letter: For individuals to stand alone, government must stand down
The great goal of government is not that it should be the means to the end as if to suggest that without government’s ‘help’ (i.e. ‘enforcement’) the end would not be achieved.
The King of Queens and a Horrible Business Idea
Submitted by Don Doman One of my favorite television shows (reruns) is King of Queens. A married couple, Doug and Carrie, are the main characters. They are selfish and self-centered. After being rejected at a number of job interviews, Carrie becomes depressed and tries to find herself. She has great plans to read more, learn […]
Snipe from the sidelines or… Advise Your City
Lakewood City Council has a noteworthy arrangement in terms of its public outreach. The City has nearly a dozen Advisory Boards. On alternating Mondays the Council often meets with those Boards in a Joint Study session.
Letter: ‘Husbandeth’ – my word for today
The things you discover while on your way somewhere else if but only we take the time. The annual Cambridge–Oxford “side-by-side” rowing race between the two prestigious universities on the 4.2-mile course of the Thames River that flows through southern England was held on March 24, 1937.
The Oreo Solution to Creative Problem Solving
Submitted by Don Doman The commercial starts off with music by Tchaikovsky and three little ballerinas dressed in pink. It’s time for a break. They get out glasses and milk. They pour what milk they have into three glasses and sit down to enjoy Oreos and milk. But, oh my gosh, there’s a problem. The […]