This week, the House Appropriations Committee advanced critical funding that has been championed by U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) to support tribal relocation efforts in Western Washington. The House fiscal year 2022 appropriations bills advanced by the Committee included $1,650,000 in federal funding for the Hoh Tribe’s relocation development project and $1,479,355 in federal funding […]
To Know
Obituary Notice – July 6, 2021
Mountain View Funeral Home: Ji Gang Chu.
Western State Hospital Master Plan Comment Period Approaching Conclusion
LAKEWOOD, Wash. – The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) has proposed an amendment to the Master Facilities Plan for the Western State Hospital campus to include the construction of a proposed 350-bed forensic hospital. Public comments on the proposal will be accepted through July 7 at 5:00 p.m. The proposed updated […]
Racism and the Clover Park School District
Submitted by Pad Finnigan. The Clover Park School Board concluded its two-evening 2021 board retreat Tuesday night after reviewing the results of five months of staff work. The work product is called the final draft of its Equity Policy. The policy draft is supposed to be voted on by the board on Sept. 13. What’s […]
The University Place City Council July 6 Meeting Agenda
The University Place City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on July 6 (6:30 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions on the City’s website.
The Steilacoom Town Council July 6 Meeting Agenda
The Steilacoom Town Council will hold a Regular Meeting on July 6 (6:30 PM). See the meeting agenda below. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mayor, Council and staff are attending this meeting remotely through Zoom. For those wishing to view the meeting by Zoom, please click/follow this link: Call to Order and Roll Call […]
The Lakewood City Council July 6 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on July 6 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions on the City’s website.
Board of Health July 7 Regular Meeting Agenda
The July 7, 2021 Tacoma-Pierce County Board of Health Regular agenda and meeting packet are available for view on our website. Watch the meeting live on our website or through Zoom and entering the Meeting ID: 966 8527 3697 and Passcode: 484284, when prompted.
House Passes Kilmer-Led Amendment to Support Fish Passage and Recovery in Infrastructure Legislation
On July 1, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the INVEST in America Act, which included an amendment led by Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) and a bipartisan group of lawmakers from the Pacific Northwest to support salmon recovery. The amendment would create a new program within the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and […]