Photo & Story – Joseph Boyle Money and books. Books and money. Books cost lots of money; we all know that. There is a secret way to buy lots of books and save lots of money. What is that secret way of which I speak? FRIENDS of Lakewood Library triple-event book sale.
To Do
Westside Story – FRIENDS Lakewood Library Book Sale
Photo & Story – Joseph Boyle Money and books. Books and money. Books cost lots of money; we all know that. There is a secret way to buy lots of books and save lots of money. What is that secret way of which I speak? FRIENDS of Lakewood Library triple-event book sale.
Westside Story – FRIENDS Lakewood Library Book Sale
Photo & Story – Joseph Boyle Money and books. Books and money. Books cost lots of money; we all know that. There is a secret way to buy lots of books and save lots of money. What is that secret way of which I speak? FRIENDS of Lakewood Library triple-event book sale.
Champagne Harvest Brunch at Bridgeport Place
By Jaynie Jones The University Place Senior Center and Bridgeport Place partner on a variety of programs throughout the year. A number of seniors who participate in bingo and other activities at the center have become regulars at the monthly Saturday Senior Soup-tacular at Bridgeport Place. November 19 was the Champagne Harvest Brunch at Bridgeport […]
Westside Story – South Tacoma Way Car Show
Story & Photos by Joseph Boyle It’s coming! Saturday, August 20, 2011 from 10 am – 4 pm, the 15th Annual South Tacoma Way Car Show. Find the fun on South Tacoma Way between 50th St South and 56th St South. The South Tacoma Business District Association and corporate sponsor, Heritage Bank, in addition to […]
AARP Driver Safety Course at Bridgeport Place
AARP Driver Safety Course at Bridgeport Place is September 23 & 24, 10:00-2:30 p.m. both days to complete the 8-hour course. AARP members pay $12; non-members $14 (payable on the first day of class). Bridgeport Place, 5250 Bridgeport Way West, University Place provides lunch, dessert, and beverages both days for everyone. Call 253.565.1960 to register. […]
WESTSIDE STORY – Urban Custom Bikes
Story and photo by Joseph Boyle I have great news for Westside motorcycle riders. Jeremy and Jessica Ruse have just opened their own motorcycle shop, called Urban Custom Bikes (4711 Pacific Highway East – 253-517-7142) in Fife. They have a partner too. His name is Lorenzo Marr. I do not know him, but I like […]
Solemnity exemplified in Flag Retirement Ceremony
Such a large part of our local community is comprised of military families and retirees. However, even for those who may have never served in the armed forces, there is a reverence for the American flag. There is an established protocol for the proper destruction, i.e. ‘retirement’ of tattered old flags. They should never be […]
Flag Retirement Ceremony July 8
American Legion Post 138 will perform a Flag Retirement Ceremony at Bridgeport Place on July 8. If you have a tattered old flag, bring it for proper disposal in this solemn ceremony. The public is invited. On that same day, join us for the Stars in Your Eyes BBQ luncheon honoring “First Responders” from West Pierce Fire […]