Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: When was the last time you had a teddy bear tea time? I can’t remember when, but it happens every time I’m around some little […]
Across the Fence: Schwedenschanze
Today’s Germanism in the English language is quite baffling to me: Schwedenschanze (pronounce: ‘shvay-den-shun-tsah, meaning Swedish entrenchment). Even historically, not every bulwark that is called a Schwedenschanze was even built by the Swedish. And as those structures that can be traced back to the Swedish, are all in Central Europe, and the British were pretty […]
In the Book Nook with … William J. Burkhardt
Author William J. Burkhardt from New Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia, does mechanical work for a living, but also just started a publishing LLC. He has been “writing since the single digits”. His first publication happened in 2014. William J. Burkhardt was a devoted musician until around his late 20s. He has painted a few […]
Let’s Talk! – The Day after the Funeral
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: The longer a life lasts, inevitably, the more funerals you get to go to. Not necessarily over here in the U.S., though, where often the […]
Across the Fence: Ansatz
Todays’ Germanism in the English language is a rather philosophical, but also a very hands-on one when it comes just to the German language: Ansatz (prounounce: ‘un-zuts, meaning beginning, approach). Scientists of any field will have dealt with this from the very start of their profession. If a bigger problem is to be solved, you […]
In the Book Nook with … Moira Darrell
Author Moira Darrell retired from her career as a legal secretary and a school admin secretary several years ago and now lives in Strathmore, Alberta, Canada with her husband and kitty. As a teenager, she loved writing in Composition class and wrote several poems, some of which find themselves in her books. Moira has been […]
Let’s Talk! – Not Seeing the Possibilities
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: Wouldn’t it be great if we always saw every single possibility in every opportunity that offers itself to us? Come to think of it, wouldn’t […]
Author Andy Becker Writes New Book on Growing Humans
Maybe you have already read Andy Becker’s satirical take on a real scandal that happened a while ago in Tacoma. His award-winning novel The Kissing Rabbi: Lust, Betrayal, and a Community Turned Inside Out won a First Place Blue Ribbon at the CIBA 2021 Mark Twain Book Awards for Humor. Or you have enjoyed his […]
Across the Fence: Schuss
Never did I know that the German word Schuss (pronounce: shoos with a very short oo, meaning shot) made it into the English language. Well, I was only just born when the mascot Schuss of the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France, made its one-season appearance. As there is a copyright on the image, I […]