My 8 year old granddaughter recently sent me information related to a kids program she participated in. The program, called Odyssey of the Mind, is spread throughout our nation. The program helps young people learn how to build problem solving teams. Students learn to think outside the box. Each participant is able to contribute their […]
Westside Story – Toll Scam
SCAM HINT #1 = E-MAIL NOTICE: I recently received an e-mail from E-Z Pass telling me I owed them money. They directed me to open an attachment at the bottom of the e-mail for further details.
Westside Story – Comply or Die
Every day we are bombarded with false stories of police brutality and excessive force. Watch out America, all of this broad brush stroke discriminatory police bashing may bring us unintended consequences.
Let me get one thing out of the way. To the question, are there cops who use excessive force or discriminate against others? The answer is absolutely, yes.
Westside Story – DuPont Bus Service?
A recent article in The Suburban Times informed us of the City of Dupont’s desire to explore the possibility of providing the city with bus service.
Decades ago I voted to increase my tax bill in order to bring Pierce Transit buses to Lakewood. I did not personally plan to use bus service and all these years later, I still do not personally benefit from local bus service. It is doubtful I will ever ride the bus.
Westside Story – 811 Call Before You Dig
Our Federally mandated 811 – Call Before You Dig program is an excellent idea with one major flaw. Call Before You Dig employees lack good judgement and common sense. While this may seem like a bold, opinionated and condemnatory statement, all you have to do is look around at their graffiti handiwork to see evidence confirming my point. It is like Call Before You Dig employees have to earn low scores on a common sense / intelligence test before being selected for the job.
Westside Story – Young Author
Here I am pushing 72 years of age and I am playing with the idea of becoming a writer. I will admit that it is a late start, but I have always done things late. I was born late. I graduated from high school and college late. I joined the Sheriff’s Department late. I retired late. The way I see it, if I live to be age 100, I have a little over 28 years to become an accomplished writer. So I am reading books on writing and taking college courses to become a better writer.
Westside Story – Christmas 2015 Canceled
Do you remember the stories I shared with you titled Christmas Community Angels and Christmas Angels – 15th Year? Christmas Angel Joan Eisenhardt phoned me a few days after the giant Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare Holiday Gift Give-A-Way program to report on the results. She had amazing things to tell me, which means I have amazing things to tell you.
The first person in line at arrived at 1:00 a.m. the morning of Friday, December 12, 2014, for the scheduled 9:00 a.m. opening time. The second client arrived at 2:00 a.m. By 6:30 a.m. the line stretched around the building. They arrived by car, bus and on foot.
Westside Story – Christmas Angels – 15th Year
On March 5, 2014, I wrote a story titled, Westside Story – Community Christmas Angels.
The two women featured in my story have done it again. On December 12, 2014, The Friends and Family Holiday Give-A-Way was held. Christmas Angels, Joan Eisenhardt and Kathy Sweeney, volunteered for a solid year in their effort to create a joyous Christmas holiday for 500 low income Greater Lakes Mental Health Care clients who suffer from a variety of debilitating mental illness conditions. Greater Lakes, which must be considered a community asset, is located in the City of Lakewood at 9330 – 59th Av SW. T: 253-581-7020.
Westside Story – Grim Reaper – Part V
During Grim Reaper – Part IV (Link) we left off with the Grim Reaper bubbling with excitement as he held me in a headlock with my heart rate sinking to 19.
Somehow I managed to live through the night so the next morning they rolled me towards the operating room. As we drew near, the nurse instructed my wife to sit in the waiting area.