It is dark outside and tired inside, but I have a desire to do a little writing before I go lights out. What should I write about tonight? I know, I will use my recent visit to the Lakewood Hysterical Mole Museum as a springboard into my next story. Let’s talk moles. There are two […]
Westside Story – Police Officer’s Routine Day
What is it like to be a police officer? Citizens can find out a lot by doing a one shift ride-a-long, but it actually takes a trained professional law enforcement officer 3 – 5 years before the officer has seen and experienced almost everything and finally can answer the question, “What is it like to […]
Westside Story – Welfare Check
On May 10, 2016, two City of Lakewood police officers responded to a 911 call near the 8800 block of Bridgeport Way SW for a welfare check. When the officers arrived, they observed a 91 year old woman inside. She could not get our of her chair.
Westside Story – Spectacular Rhododendrons
If you comply with that old saying, “Stop and smell the flowers,” you stand a good chance of discovering that our rhododendrons are beautiful, not only in my yard but all over town. They are unusually beautiful. I have never seen them this lovely.
Westside Story – Boyle won’t run for governor
According to an Associated Press news release, “Washington’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn said Thursday he will not run for governor.” It occurred to me after Randy Dorn’s announcement that if I am to be responsible and courteous to my constituency, I should share my current thinking, so here goes.
Westside Story – The Drummer
Recently I wrote a book report on Tacoma author Burr B. Anderson’s second book, High Seas Darkness. I promised my readers I was going to read Mr. Anderson’s first book, The Drummer, and when finished I would write another book report.
Westside Story – Coyote
During my almost 50 years in Lakewood, I have always enjoyed peacefully coexisting with wildlife such as raccoons, bald eagles, squirrels, blue heron, deer, coyote, rabbits, wolves, ducks, and a wide variety of other birds. Historically the wildlife has not bothered me and I have not bothered the wildlife.
Westside Story – Modern Fathers
As the generations roll along, parenthood, especially fatherhood changes. When I was a new dad in the 1970s, I, like my father before me, changed a grand total of only one diaper before throwing in the towel or I should say throwing in the diaper. As I started to change my first diaper, I had […]
Westside Story – Ducks In A Row
Any of you who have ever worked on a project with me, know that I always insist that we get all our ducks in a row.