The envelope placed in my hand had exactly $12.08 enclosed. “That’s for when you weren’t here, and I was here to fish off your dock.”
Letter: War on water weeds
Lakewood City Council Members, As residents of Tillicum and Silcox Island, we enjoy having beautiful Harry Todd Park beach for families to swim on summer days. However, we are concerned about the amount of Eurasian watermilfoil in the swimming area, and thus the safety of the children.
Letter: It’s a keeper – what true help to the homeless looks like
The outboard engine idled smoothly, quietly, barely above a whisper. Water circulation was instantaneous with the turn of the key, the handy visual spray squirting jet-like from the housing indicating all was good in the cooling department.
Letter: Sugar-coating drug use
“I am always a child advocate and seeking to speak out on the best interest of children.” Who said that?
Letter: The educational system has failed our youth
How else do you explain the results of a recent poll that teens think marijuana improves their performance behind the wheel? No really.
Letter: Character, the basis for making right decisions
Whether it’s the choice to make marijuana available locally because, after all, the people voted for it; or treating the homeless as if they were helpless because, after all, without the government making available all manner of public provisions the poor will remain so, these and other examples of profligacy hardly serve as a best […]
Letter: Educate or eradicate – a pot predicament
The upcoming night of May 7, the Lakewood City Council will recognize with a proclamation in their honor, the “more than 940 Clover Park School District (CPSD) certified employees (who) work to open student’s minds to ideas, knowledge and dreams” (p.005, of 534).
Letter: The Roly Poly and the Worm
“Grandpa look!” It was a white-handled child’s plastic play blue bucket full of dirt.
Letter: ‘We got the best weed!’
Hip, Hip, Hooray for Hemp! and other such hypocritical juvenile-isms – as the one headlined here and making headlines nationally what with Washington Gov. Inslee’s teevee pot pronouncement last week on the Bill Maher show – may soon high-light the high-way to lure passers-by to get their highs here instead of elsewhere.