“Beginning at midnight March 25 and lasting until at least 5 p.m. on April 8, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is closing recreational fishing statewide in response to the governor’s order to ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ and limit the spread of coronavirus.” This includes of course Bill’s Boathouse in Tillicum where the […]
Letter: Digging deep, I found a rock
By the end of the day my series of shovel-dug trenches – over two-foot-deep and some about that wide – will be all-told nearly 40 feet long, spider-webbing here and there as if I didn’t know what I was doing, which I don’t. You’d think I was in the army. My dad was. But as […]
Letter: My Most Memorable Easter Egg Hunt Ever
Since, for reasons most tragic, it’s not likely to happen this year for countless children – this annual rite of spring – here following is just a memory of mine from 64 years ago that hopefully will recall for you your own days of being young, running around barefoot, and drinking from the hose. Published […]
Letter: On this date, three phone calls
On this date my journal entry recorded yet another threatening voicemail. He would see me in court. As it turned out I would be there. He would not. Case was dismissed. Ironically, on this twentieth day of March, the date was set to go toe-to-toe in yet another court battle in which, in terms of paperwork, our defense […]
Letter: Clover Park School District Board unanimously opposed to Sex Ed
In a letter dated March 18, directed to Gov. Jay Inslee, the individual members of the CPSD Board signed their names in objection to ESSB 5395 asking Gov. Inslee in turn not to sign this bill. Calling the Comprehensive Sex Education bill a maze of “unfunded and volatile curriculum” the school Board of Directors urged […]
Letter: The Ninth Floor
As you prepare to exit the elevator on the Ninth floor of the County-City Building, a pleasant automated voice announces that you have arrived at the office of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Sure enough, straight down the short hallway to the left is the appropriately labeled door emblazoned with the words “Core Values.” There’s […]
Letter: Sex Ed topic of Clover Park School Board
The School Districts of Peninsula, Othello, Mead, Omak, and Spokane have reportedly objected to – or written formal letters of concern about – the controversial Comprehensive Sex Education bill, addressing their respective positions to Gov. Inslee who is expected to sign SB 5395 into law. The Clover Park school board has added a special meeting […]
Letter: Clover Park School District?
Will the Clover Park School District Board (CPSD) take a similar position as the Mead School District in Washington per their letter to Governor Inslee requesting he veto the controversial Sex Ed bill? From The Ruth Institute: “Some of the approved curriculum is so graphic legislators couldn’t quote it in proceedings without getting ‘gaveled’ or silenced. […]
Letter: Hugs from God and raisin-filled cookies
Note: This article that follows is a repost from four-years-ago today. There is great value I think in recalling the people, location, smells and music that “can have a cinematic quality, playing out in the mind’s eye like an old Super 8 movie or vintage Technicolor film.” As Louisa May Alcott wrote, “reminiscing does us […]