One year ago today, May 24, I wrote an article entitled “Hearts On A String.” It was about my wife, who I had lost to cancer just two months previous after 50 years of marriage. That Valentine’s Day was to be our last. When her oncologist told us our journey was reaching the end, the […]
Letter: It’s Hard to Imagine
Her eyesight shut down as she was rounding the curve, her vision returning – thankfully – nearly as quickly as it had gone and just in time to avoid the bridge abutment and save all the kids on the school bus for which she was the driver. The ophthalmologist told her she needed glasses. The […]
Letter: Kindness is Holding Hands
Every morning a husband and wife each enjoy a large cup of hot, black brew, coffee for him, tea for her. If you drive slowly enough and happen to glance in that direction, on a sunny day you’ll see them seated close together at the round table in the side yard. If it’s raining, they’ll […]
Letter: Living in the Moment
Ever get discouraged? Despondent? Downcast? Sure, we all do. So, some encouragement. For you. Mainly for me. Just a half-hour ago I was sitting in my truck in the church parking lot scrolling on my phone when the following appeared, a quote attributed to Sangeeta Rana, entitled “Moments.” “Let life unfold slowly, take it day […]
Garage to support Tillicum T-Ball and Baseball Teams
Bill’s Boathouse will host a Garage Sale on Saturday, May 25 (9 am-5 pm). All funds raised will support Tillicum’s T-Ball and baseball teams. Donated items welcome. Drop off at Bill’s Boathouse on Thursday, May 23 from 8 am to 7 pm. Bill’s Boathouse is located at 15018 Silcox Dr SW, Lakewood WA 98498.
Letter: Through This Gate
I get them quite often in the mail, like probably many of you do too. Offers to buy my house. I had thought quite seriously about it. It’s pretty big after all. Might be time to downsize. Interestingly, one year ago today, May 18, I wrote about this old house. Then, sorting through old mail, […]
Letter: Tears on Flowers are so Beautiful
“There’s nothing like a little rain to bring people together,’ wrote George Marek. And what of these people caught in the sudden spring shower, who dash about seeking shelter, total strangers having forgotten their umbrella, huddled briefly together, dripping everywhere, puddles forming beneath their feet? They’re wet, that’s what they are. But that’s not all […]
Letter: Merry Me!
“Hey, guys, look at this.” Workers at the wrecking yard, grabbing their morning coffee, gathered around the multiple screens displaying visuals of the far reaches of the acres of damaged cars under surveillance. As with all the cameras – capable of reading expiration dates on vehicle license plates – one of the cameras showed on […]
Letter: Loving, and the Lovely Fuzzy-Bottomed Bumblebees
‘Bumble’ can mean hum, buzz, or drone. That’s Part A. But ‘bumble’ can also mean “to move ineptly or flounderingly.” That’s Part B. Love can be both, must be both, but best, I believe, in a marriage, is to emphasize Part B. ‘Love,’ obviously, behooves the betrothed to be about the business of the basics. […]