About Puget Sound Clean Air – On the day after July 4 when America celebrated with bombs bursting in air, I’m preparing my case to argue before the Pollution Control Hearings Board about chestnuts (actually hot-dogs) roasting on an open fire.
Letter: Lakewood’s New Entrance
“Lakewood looks to make good first impression with new entrance.” I’ve a suggestion.
And it not only meets the standards of the current one (of four) “recommended for council approval” – bold lettering, back-lit at night – but this – consider it a write-in vote – nomination for Lakewood’s new welcome mat exceeds the purpose and potential in
Letter: Hot (under the collar) Summer Nights
The sign on the gate at Harry Todd Park in Tillicum declares the place closes – and the gate gets locked – at 9 P.M.
I drove into the park – through the open gate – at 9:45 P.M. July 1, to see why a bonfire and the comings-and-goings of a number of cars was, well, on-going.
Letter: The Value of Conflict – As We Approach Our Nation’s Birthday
A cracked Liberty Bell summons to America. Forever.
Sometimes to initiate a newbie to our youth group we’d randomly place on a sheet, in full view of everyone, a dozen or more eggs right out of the carton. The new kid on the block was then blindfolded and challenged to walk from one side of the sheet to the other with the objective of not stepping on any of the landmines.
Letter: Whistling Past the Graveyard
Now that Tacoma is happy – or happier – with the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT’s) willingness to consider “building an historically appropriate new station in the center of 100-year-old Freighthouse Square,” as opposed to a glass and metal thing which was the original design, if Amtrak could just fix the onboard Netflix problem, all would be swell.
Letter: A Promise Made Is
On the one year anniversary (June 18) of the death of 28-year-old Patrick O’Meara, killed by Lakewood Police in a felony arrest attempt shortly before midnight in Tillicum, Lakewood Mayor Don Anderson comments on the city Facebook page:
“Mr. O’Meara’s death was tragic. It was tragic for him, his family and for the officers who he, by his willful choice, forced into a situation where their lives were threatened and they are involuntarily compelled to live with the consequences. Was it “suicide by cop,” most likely; or just being incredibly stupid? Perhaps we will never know. Officer’s lives will not be risked and policy will not be changed based on an individual’s grudges.”
Letter: Pothole, Pavement – and Payment – Potpourri
Survey results are in. You said no. Doesn’t matter.
When then-Lakewood City Manager Andrew Neiditz (TNT, November 24, 2012) proposed a tax increase on Lakewood’s residents – specifically for electricity and gas utilities that would have generated an additional $350,000 annually to help balance the 2013-14 budget – Lakewood’s Mayor at the time, Doug Richardson, said “people have to heat their homes and cook their food. Given the current economic times, we didn’t think it was wise to increase that tax.”
Letter: My Father
“Must I be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease,
While others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas?”
My father served in Italy during World War II in the 10th Mountain Division. He never surrendered. Never left a man behind. Never compromised his principles.
Letter: City Committee Openings – Robots May Apply
For “jobs too dirty, dangerous or dull,” robots excel.
There are three vacancies – one-third of the nine – on the City of Lakewood’s Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC).
The job description requires obtaining “citizen input and advising the City Council in developing and monitoring public safety policies” – like shopping carts and dunk tanks.