The DuPont Special Lodging Tac Advisory Committee (LTAC) will meet on Nov. 12 (1 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
DuPont November 1 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s November 1 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
The DuPont Parks & Recreation Commission Nov. 4 Meeting Agenda
The DuPont Parks & Recreation Commission will hold a Regular Meeting on Nov. 4 (6 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
City of DuPont receives a Clean Audit
The Washington State Auditor’s Office performed the Financial, Accountability and Federal Single Audit for 2023. There were no findings in the audit. Auditors looked at procurement, payroll, cost allocation plan, open public meetings, and overall city financial condition from January 2023 through December 2023. “Congratulations to the DuPont Finance Team for the outstanding results from […]
DuPont October 25 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s October 25 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
The DuPont City Council Oct. 29 Meeting Agenda
The DuPont City Council will hold a Special Council Meeting on Oct. 29 (5 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
City of DuPont Earns Risk Management Awards
The City of DuPont was recognized at the AWC Risk Management Service Agency (RMSA) Annual Meeting in Chelan for their hard work and dedication to proactively managing their risks, improving community safety, and contributing to lower insurance costs. Improving their liability claims experience over the past year earned them both RMSA’s Risk Management Achievement Award […]
DuPont October 18 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s October 18 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
The DuPont City Council Oct. 22 Meeting Agenda
The DuPont City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Oct. 22 (6 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.