We’re back! But this time Deputy Cappetto takes us on an early morning ride-along, during the Canyon Road Emphasis, to see firsthand what the deputies are dealing with. Within a few minutes, it wasn’t hard to get traffic stops for excessive speeds and semi’s running red lights. 128 traffic infractions were handed out JUST ON TUESDAY, February 11.
The post Canyon Road Crackdown Round 2 first appeared on Pierce County Sheriff’s Office Blotter.
Excellent! Glad you are cracking down on these out of control speeders…..I drive kids back and forth to schools all ovework!r and dealt with all kinds of foolish drivers….keep up the good work!

It’d be one thing if the actual pierce county sheriff’s department was the ones enforcing the traffic laws, unfortunately they are paying out of district cops overtime , to perform the jobs their department should be performing at regular time rates! So law enforcement at a premium all on the taxpayers dime 100+ an hour for a quota great police work to all those involved unfortunately not to pierce county sheriff’s taxpayers because they weren’t involved!