A bill to expand collective bargaining rights for student workers was heard in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee Monday.
Senate Bill 5119, sponsored by Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest), creates a framework for collective bargaining for student workers enrolled in academic or certificate programs at Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Western Washington University, and Evergreen State College. Students working as teaching and research assistants already have collective bargaining rights at all public higher education institutions in Washington state.
“This bill is about fairness,” Nobles said. “It ensures that all student workers, regardless of the job they hold, have the ability to advocate for their needs, protect their rights, and thrive both academically and professionally.”
Under the bill, student workers would gain the ability to collectively bargain on issues such as wages, workplace protections, and tuition assistance. It excludes specific matters like academic requirements, tuition amounts, and admissions policies. The proposed bill also defines appropriate bargaining units to ensure consistency across campuses.
Follow its progress here.
I would encourage Senator Nobles to read the lead article (Street Racing) in this edition and spend legislative effort doing something really meaningful for all residents of Washington and especially this area. Tough consequences are needed to change the flippant attitude of these juveniles before they progress to greater anti-social activities. Unionization for juveniles isn’t going to help.
Let’s get serious here.