Lakewood’s Clover Park Rotary was busy once again providing dinner for the Custer Elementary School S.T.E.A.M. night held at the school. “STEAM” stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
Ramona Hinton, program coordinator for the Rotary Club, said over 200 hotdogs were provided for the parents and children, along with chips, drinks and fun!!
STEAM night gives parents the opportunity to meet with teachers who supervise their child’s education on a daily basis. Parents see what materials the students are working on in school, and visit with their respective teachers. Custer Elementary is very active with parents and has interactive events such as this several times a year.
Carr’s restaurant at 11006 Bridgeport Way supplied the hotdogs for the event.
Clover Park Rotary “adopted” Custer school several years ago and supports it throughout the year in their various events as well as Christmas programs.
Way to go, Clover Park Rotary and Carrs! Nicely done