Submitted by Helen McGovern-Pilant; Andrew Neiditz; Charles Porche, Doug Richardson; Mike Zaro.
This last year marked 15 years since the tragic and senseless loss of our four officers on November 29, 2009. The heartbreak of that day will be remembered forever, not only by the families of our four with their nine children left behind, but by our department and community, as well. What will also be remembered is the incredible and heartfelt support we received in the aftermath.
Countless phone calls, letters and emails came in from across the country, offering kind words and condolences, to let us know we weren’t grieving alone. Many of those condolences came with unsolicited monetary donations for the families of our Four; complete strangers were sending a few dollars with a simple note saying, “for the families of those four officers”. When it was all said and done, we had been given roughly $3 million to help support the families through their loss.
After some discussion with the families, it was decided that the best way to manage the money was to create a trust fund for the 9 children to help pay for various life expenses as they grew up. The plan was to keep the Trust in place until the youngest of the children turned 18. We hit that milestone this last year, so the decision was made to dissolve the Trust and disperse the remaining funds to the nine children.
As a board, we have had the honor and responsibility of disseminating those funds in accordance with the intent of the Trust. Throughout the last 15 years the generosity of the donors has allowed us to pay for educational, medical, and general life expenses for all nine children which might otherwise have been a burden to their parents. Without a doubt, each of the children would have gladly traded this financial support for the return of their fallen parent, but many of life’s other burdens were eased thanks to this money. With this knowledge, we all wish to say “Thank You” for the overwhelming support that was given so many years ago. Without question, the positive impact of that support is still being felt today.
Founding board members included former Lakewood Councilmember Helen McGovern-Pilant, former LPD Chiefs Larry Saunders and Bret Farrar, LPD Sgt Charles Porche, and Reserve Officer Dale Thomas. With the retirements and passing of Larry and Bret and the retirement of Dale Thomas, the board added former Lakewood Councilmember Doug Richardson, former Lakewood City Manager Andrew Neiditz, and Lakewood PD Chief Mike Zaro. We also received considerable assistance from Christopher Kimball Financial Services in Lakewood.
Once again, on behalf of the board, the families, and Lakewood PD we want to express our sincere appreciation for your kindness, generosity and support.
A Sad remembrance, but a great example of a community that cares for it’s own. Thank you for quietly serving the 9 children and the community and let us not forget Larry and Bret who also left us to young. May God continue to Bless you, the children and Lakewood.
Honoring Our Heroes: The Cops vs Teachers Tradition
We will forever be grateful to all law enforcement officers, near and far, those who are currently serving and those we have lost in the line of duty. As a teacher, I vividly remember the tragic day in November 2009. Amidst all the grief and sadness, I watched our young people rise to the occasion and transform this tragedy into something positive. Over 100 community service students came together to determine how they could help these families and continue to pay forward the kindness, love, honesty, and respect that these four officers had for each other and their communities.
In response, we decided to host a basketball game in their memory, with the proceeds going to support the families of these brave officers. Thus, in 2009, the **Cops vs Teachers** charity event was born. I am proud to say that this year marks our 16th year. Over the past 15 years, this charity has raised over $150,000, making a significant difference in the lives of officers killed in the line of duty, non-profit organizations that support the community, children with life-threatening illnesses, Caring for Kids, and local food bank organizations.
This April, we will once again host this great event. But make no mistake about it—the night of April 18th is not just about basketball. It’s about bringing this great community together to raise money for a noble cause and, most importantly, keeping the memory alive and creating awareness of the incredible job these men and women undertake every day they put on the uniform.
Baron Coleman
CvsT Event Coordinator