Sunday evening (December 22, 2024), at St Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, was a performance that was presented as the inaugural Organ Concert Repertoire. Deacon Joseph Tapia-Beeman and Philip Powell performed nine arrangements that fully showcased the range of the magnificent pipe organ. As a parishioner, I have always enjoyed and wished the pipe organ to be incorporated into the Mass more often.
I am not sure what it is about a pipe organ, that makes it stand out, but ever since I was little it has made a big impression. Maybe it was the fun of going to Pizza and Pipes as a kid, or maybe it was growing up in a home with an older brother who was an accomplished organist. Between the deep base of the foot pedals to the high whimsical melodies of the keys, it is an instrument that can physically be felt.
The video (below) was the first arrangement of the evening, Wachet Auf BWV 645, performed by Deacon Joseph Tapia-Beeman. I look forward to future potential performances.
Thank you for sharing. It is heartwarming to know there is beauty in Lakewood.