Although some local cities are no longer accepting glass bottles and jars for recycling, U.P. Refuse and Recycling is still accepting it in their residential curbside recycling bins as well as at their facility at 2815 Rochester St. (one block off 27th behind Cheers West). The recycling center is open Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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Good for you, U.P. Refuse. It is shameful that most curbside have discontinued glass recycling. I put my glass in my garbage because I figure if preserving glass and limiting landfills are not important to them, then it’s not important to me. Glass collection should be mandated by the state and local governments in their contracts.
According to the U.P. Recycling website (, curbside is only for paper, plastic & metal. It states you can drop off glass at their location. Maybe the city should clarify?