This week, we’re showing our #CPSDPride by giving a #SuperSchoolShoutout to Lake Louise Elementary School with Dean of Students Linda Richardson and fifth grader Esther Ortiz Gomez.

Richardson joined CPSD when she moved to Washington state from Colorado in 2022. She first worked at Tillicum before joining Lake Louise. “Everyone just welcomed me,” she said. “The community, staff and kids are amazing, so I love coming to work here every day.”
Richardson’s role as a dean is to support the principal, collaborate with counselors and help students manage emotions and solve conflicts. “Kids can be better at restorative conversations than many adults,” she said. “Nearly every conversation I’ve helped mediate has led to something positive because our students are great at practicing empathy and listening.”
It’s Richardson’s goal to keep the environment at Lake Louise positive, supportive and safe. “We use data from student surveys to make sure they are getting the support they need to thrive socially and emotionally,” she said. “We focus on the whole child and strive to build them into good citizens.”
Esther is having tons of fun at Lake Louise. It’s difficult to pick a favorite time of day because she enjoys so much of her school experience. “I really like to be in class with my friends and my teacher,” she said.
In fifth grade, Esther is focusing on learning how to be the best student she can be. She has found that writing and math are her strength, so she is leaning into her skillset. “Math and writing have become really easy,” she said. “It’s the best time besides recess when I play basketball and kickball.”
Outside of class, Esther likes to draw, and her favorite muse is Hello Kitty. When she grows up, she hopes to become a teacher and work at a school just like Lake Louise. “I see teachers here, and I want to do what they do and help kids,” she said.
Go Cougars!
Lake Louise Elementary School is a public elementary school in Lakewood, Washington, serving 466 students in grades PK-5. The school is part of the Clover Park School District, which is ranked 183 out of 247 districts in the state and has a 1-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Lake Louise Elementary has a diverse student population, with a racial makeup that is more balanced than nearby schools, which tend to have a larger percentage of White students. However, the school’s academic performance, as measured by test scores, is generally lower than the state and district averages. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, the school’s proficiency rates in English Language Arts (42.44%) and Math (39.92%) were below the state averages of 52.63% and 41.68%, respectively. The school’s rankings for different student subgroups vary significantly, with Hispanic students performing relatively well but multi-racial students and special education students struggling. Additionally, Lake Louise Elementary has a high percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, ranging from 62.79% to 72.1% over the past few years, which is significantly higher than the nearby schools.
Over the past several years, Lake Louise Elementary School’s statewide ranking has steadily declined, from 598 out of 1,054 Washington elementary schools in 2016-2017 to 765 out of 1,168 in 2023-2024. When compared to nearby schools in the Clover Park School District, such as Beachwood Elementary School, Lake Louise Elementary generally under-performs, with significantly lower proficiency rates and a lower statewide ranking. The high poverty rates at Lake Louise Elementary may be a contributing factor to the school’s academic challenges, and the district and school leadership should consider targeted interventions and support to address the specific needs of the diverse student population.