“Did you hear the good news?” I raised my head and looked at Johnny, my co-worker. “What’s the good news?” I asked. “None for you, dummy,” he laughed. “It finally happened Pipsqueak got a huge bonus, a great promotion, and is probably on the verge of a partnership. He’s been taking your advice because he knows Nada and that’s not just a little Nada, but a whole bunch of Nada. Here you sit smarter than anyone in this building, except for me.”
I looked up at Johnny and said, “Except for you?” Johnny spoke, “Maybe, but then of course we don’t know all the details.” I spoke softly, “Maybe Pipsqueak married well.” Johnny just gave me a horse laugh and said, “Not on your life. Pipsqueak’s been married three times now and he is just in his mid-thirties?” I nodded my head and commented, “Thirty-three actually. Maybe Pipsqueak knows more than we think?” Johnny gave ME a horse laugh and said, “You’ve got to be really kidding me. Pipsqueak won’t last . . . can’t last. He’s going to run us into the ground.” I merely nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders.
Every day Johnny checked details and rolled his eyes any time I gave Pipsqueak a hint or exact details to help him understand various situations. Johnny was going crazy and was beside himself “Why does no one with any brains at all continue to not see where this business is headed? I’ve been looking for another job. Pipsqueak is going to have us all looking for work soon . . . real soon.” I just shrugged my shoulders and did my work for two weeks worth.
Exactly one week later I welcomed the president of our competition. He had just stepped off the elevator when I whistled to Johnny and introduced him to the big cheese. In the confusion Johnny looked at me and I nodded. “Johnny, meet Dale Strue, my cousin, my much older cousin. He, me, and you will now operate together and close some mighty big deals soon. We are the stars. Both of us know the winners we already have as well as those who just need some good advice in a solid company. We can be a good team for a great organization. There is no Pipsqueak; what we need is proper training for our people . . . just the opposite of the prior operation.”
Just WHAT?! I do not get the point of this ‘story’. Someone please explain.
Thank you for reading and for questioning the essence of the story. “Why does no one with any brains at all continue to not see where this business is headed? I’ve been looking for another job. Pipsqueak is going to have us all looking for work soon . . . real soon.” Many years ago I worked at a well known aircraft company in the Seattle/Renton area and beyond. It was easy to see various people moving up the ladder of success, while a number of me and a couple friends saw the stupidity of a few of those people. I barrowed one such character for this particular story. Thanks for reading and especially for commenting. Please continue to read and comment my five minute stories. Don