LAKEWOOD – “A national bookseller whose store is slated for demolition to make way for new apartments in Lakewood appears headed for a new home nearby. Permitting documents on file with the City of Lakewood indicate that the Lakewood Barnes & Noble at Lakewood Towne Center is set to relocate to the former Dressbarn location at the center, 10330 59th Ave SW, Unit A&B.” Read more The News Tribune website.
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Interesting how City of Lakewood just ignores public opinions and goes ahead and does whatever they want anyway…not just in this example, but in many more, from the past.
Will they re-open 108th St now?
I can’t believe they are going ahead with the ill conceived ultra high density apartment complex. The traffic in that area will be unfathomable. I’m very glad Barnes and Noble is staying.
With those apartments, people who reside there can see movie goers go into the theatre for over two hours and can easily burglarize their cars. Way to go Lakewood, just another place where police will be needed.