Project applications have been filed with the City of Lakewood Planning and Public Works Department. The following is a description of the applications and the process for review. The applications and listed studies may be reviewed by contacting the Lead Planner assigned to the project or by visiting the online permit portal and searching for the associated application number.
APPLICANT: James Guerrero Architects, All comments and questions may be sent to the City of Lakewood contact listed below.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is seeking approval of a Design Review application and SEPA environmental review to construct 26 new affordable housing units in two buildings; one building will be two stories tall and one will be three-stories tall. The proposal also includes parking, a dumpster and recycling enclosure, open space, and landscaping. The proposed 18 two-bedroom apartments and 6 three-bedroom apartments will each have access to a private balcony or patio, and laundry within the unit or in shared laundry facilities for units that do not have laundry. The proposal includes the demolition of an existing residential structure on the approximately 0.86-acre site. The proposed project will be accessible from the north along Fairlawn Drive SW and from the existing access to the south via Gravelly Lake Drive.
PROJECT LOCATION: | 5516 & 5520 Fairlawn Dr. SW, Lakewood, WA, APN # 5130001640 & 5130001650 |
ZONING: | Neighborhood Commercial (NC2) |
PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: | August 28, 2024 |
OTHER PERMITS/PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: | Design Review; Site Development Permit; Building Permit; Sewer Permit; Water Permit: and Sign Permit |
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Based upon review of the submitted SEPA Environmental Checklist and what is known about the proposal at this time, the Department expects to issue a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for this project. The City is using the optional DNS process, allowed by SEPA under WAC 197-11-355 in which this Notice of Application and the SEPA threshold determination are reviewed concurrently. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the project. Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. A copy of the threshold determination may be obtained upon request once issued. The SEPA determination may be appealed to the City of Lakewood Hearing Examiner within 14 days of the date the SEPA determination.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: October 4, 2024 – October 18, 2024
All persons may provide written comments about the proposal to the City of Lakewood Planning and Public Works Department at 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA. 98499 or via the staff contact information listed below. Please include the permit number in your comments. Comments must be received by October 18. Any person wishing to become a party of record or desire a copy of the determination should include the request with their comments. A party of record may appeal the project determination to the City of Lakewood Hearing Examiner by filing a complete appeal application in accordance with Lakewood Municipal Code (LMC) 1.36.
City of Lakewood Planning and Public Works Department: | MillieAnne VanDevender, Consulting Planner;; 509.380.5883 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 |
I’m not sure this is giving me an accurate map reading. Is everyone else seeing this in a neighborhood of single story homes?
Yup it is
Thanks Joan. I wonder why this is the spot this needs to go, plenty of other spots around our city not in an established neighborhood, to put multi story buildings. I can name a handful of spots east of Bridgeport Way that would be better suited for Multifamily housing. Please Lakewood, don’t ruin established neighborhoods, we have better options for multistory homes like these and in areas that have need.
I think the whole thing, beginning to end, will be an eyesore.
Wasn’t “Towne Center” supposed to be a “shopping mall”, so we wouldn’t have to drive out to Tacoma Mall?
Why don’t they use area behind Kmart, or the rest of Lowes parking lot?
And what about the poor kuds at Cabrini? Its right next to their platground! Would you want to be sending your children to private school only to subject them to the noise, fumes, dirt etc.?
It surely will make any driving through the area null and void.
Very bad idea, inconsiderate, and stupid.
Do we want another Seeley Lake inside Lakewood Towne Center???
CONGRATULATIONS LASA. Your project fulfills a well-considered, widely-supported, thoughtfully designed and funded opportunity bridge to serve families in need toward promising futures. Accessible to Kiwanis recreation, public transit, CPSD rides to education and financial relief for future residents, LASA’s achievement speaks to the “vibrance” of Lakewood community and collaborative endeavor. Best wishes from the village, to realize the LASA vision through construction toward brightening service for years to come.
Congratulations LASA . Hope your project goes forward.