Submitted by Danny Housden.
I moved up here seven years ago from Lewis County. I have never seen so much crime. I am appalled but do respect our local law enforcement. I really think we could stop a lot of crime 😔 if we had the right prosecutors that would seek tougher penalties so when a person thinks about committing a crime he would think twice before he does it. Pierce County is too soft on crime.
We vote our Prosecutor, at the County level, in and out. So, anyone who is not happy with the current results can vote for change
I agree with the comments of K. M. Hills.
Everyone in the City of Lakewood can benefit from a change of attitude. One example makes my point.
When I served the City of Lakewood as a Pierce County deputy sheriff dba Lakewood Police, I responded to a call at a mom-and-pop grocery near Pacific Highway and Bridgeport.
When I contacted the young man who had called 911, he complained about the motel across the street refusing to allow him to stay in their establishment.
After hearing his side of the story, I told him I would next contact the motel manager. I drove over and he walked over.
After hearing what the motel owner had to say, I arrested the young man for an outstanding warrant.
He complained that I should not arrest him because he was the one who called 911. Additionally, he complained that the warrant was “just a fishing warrant. All the other cops never arrested him for the fishing warrant.”
Next came the attitude of which I speak. ZERO TOLLERANCE. I asked him, “Do you know where you are, right now?” He said, “Lakewood.”
I said that is correct and (now my zero-tolerance attitude shows up) the City of Lakewood is a ZERO-TOLLERANCE city.
I went on to tell him that he was welcome in our city, but if he brought any kind of trouble or had warrants, he would do well to hang out in another city as Lakewood is a zero-tolerance city.
Joseph Boyle – Former Lakewood Resident One-Half Century
Forgive me. I should have included Danny Housden in my agreement statement.
Thank you, Mr. Housden for sharing with the public what is painfully obvious to me.
Joseph Boyle
Danny I was born here, I have lived Tacoma regress to less then a third world country, Mayor, council, they dictate to the City Manager, they are the problem, and we vote these God awful politicians in every time, judges part of the problem also, I really believe women vote only for abortion candidates, that’s why we get unethical, immoral corrupt leaders, they believe abortion is paramount, economy, police, polite society out the door! We also have always had the highest taxes in the state in Tacoma, pathetic!
According to what looks like a fairly comprehensive evaluation by Wallet Hub, Tacoma ranks overall 142 out of 148 major metrapolitain areas. Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Detroit rank better than Tacoma. Only Cleveland OH, Flint MI, New York NY, Gulf Port MS, Oakland CA and San Fransisco are worse.