Submitted by Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County.

Between June 28-30, two weeks after the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County adopted out over 220 animals during a capacity crisis, the shelter welcomed 121 animals in need. Among them was Blaze, a dog who was thrown from a moving vehicle on SR-509 in Tacoma.
Blaze, a 1-year-old pit bull mix, was brought to the shelter by a community member who reported witnessing the incident. Blaze sustained wounds on his head, neck, chest, legs, and back. The shelter’s veterinary team cleaned Blaze’s wounds and administered antibiotics to prevent infection.
The next day, a delivery driver discovered Lucille, a seven-week-old kitten, stranded on a road in Yelm. Unable to move her back legs, she was taken to the shelter for immediate medical attention. The shelter’s veterinary team suspects Lucille has a fractured femur and a dislocated tail.
While Lucille’s prognosis is uncertain, the shelter’s veterinary team is providing pain medications until a definitive diagnosis is made using x-ray imaging.
Blaze and Lucille are just two of the of the 48 dogs and 73 cats who entered the shelter’s care over the weekend of June 28-30. These animals in need come two weeks after the community adopted over 220 animals in response to exceeding kennel capacity.
“The outpouring of support from our community during our recent adoption event was incredible,” says Leslie Dalzell, chief executive officer at the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. “However, as an open admission shelter, we never know what will come through our doors. As we see now, our situation can change in an instant. We need the community’s continued support to sustain our lifesaving operations.”
Donations are urgently needed to help care for animals like Blaze and Lucille. Contributions can be made on the shelter’s website at
As the Fourth of July approaches, the shelter anticipates another influx of animals due to fireworks-related scares. “The Fourth of July is a time of year when many pets get loose from their homes after being spooked by loud fireworks,” notes Dalzell. “A significant number of lost pets are found less than a mile from home, and many lost pets brought to shelters never make their way back to their families.”
For lost pets, the shelter has implemented an appointment-based intake system in alignment with guidelines from veterinary experts, nationally recognized animal welfare organizations, and disease control experts. This system reduces the high volume of animals in the shelter at one time and allows the shelter to provide owner reunification support for lost pets, getting them home faster and avoiding the shelter all together.
For more information, to donate, or to inquire about adoption or fostering, please visit the shelter’s website
I hope the individual who witnessed this was quick thinking and got the plate number! Prosecute and hold them accountable. There is absolutely “NO EXCUSE” for this behavior.
Your right Annie. If I saw that individual throw that dog out the window, believe me, he wouldn’t ever do that again. I pray for the dog and the kitten too.
I hope so too. Awhile back, my daughter was driving home from work down a busy road at night, car coming towards her threw a kitten out their car window onto street in front of her. Luckily, she was able to stop cars, brought the baby home. Looked barely old enough to be weaned. She was able to home her with a friend. Too shocked to get plate number, and getting baby out of situation
Seriously , What is wrong with people to do something so disgustingly horrible? I just don’t understand, the lack of compassion.
Seriously, what is wrong with people to do this?
I concur! It is unbelievable that this isn’t taken more seriously and People Prosecuted for Hurting a Dog that to me is like a Child ! I love Dogs! I wish I could embrace and Protect Dogs’ ! I pray all dogs have a good and loving home! Amen.
It is a real shame that someone would do such a thing to any animal. They bring us love happiness and joy. They are always there when we need them. I wish that person was my neighbor . I would take care of the problem at the source The human should have the same thing done to them. Ha
My beautiful dog passed away 3 weeks ago. I cry every night missing her. . I would give anything to have my girl back. And here someone just throws an innocent dog out of a car like they were nothing. My heart aches thinking of the fear and confusion Blaze felt when the human he trusted tossed him out. There’s also a possibility it may not have even been Blaze’s owner. Blaze may have been in a car that was stolen and the thief tossed him out. Who knows. Still, only an awful person could do such a thing. I still ache thinking of the fear Blaze experienced no matter what led to what happened. Thank goodness someone else saw and was able to help him and take him to safety. An angel in the right place at the right time. 🫶