Notice is provided of the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project, City File No. SEPA 2021-002
The proposed Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project would occur on an approximately 313-acre site located on and to the southeast of the existing Pioneer Aggregates Mine in the City of DuPont, southwestern Pierce County, sections 22, 23, and 26, Township 19 North, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian. The site includes areas previously undisturbed by mining (termed the “Expansion Area”) and mining deeper within a portion of existing mine, referred to as the “Re- Mine Area”. The Expansion Area is approximately 188 acres and is comprised of three subareas as follows: The Kettle Area is a 10.8-acre previously undisturbed area; the 9.2-acre Buffer Strip is a strip of vegetation that was retained along the inside of the originally permitted mine bordering the South Parcel; and, the South Parcel Areais 168 acres located southeast of the original mine. The Re-Mine Area consists of 125 acres in the southeastern portion of the existing mine where current mining activities are permitted above current groundwater levels.
This DEIS analyzes the probable significant adverse environmental impacts associated with one alternative and one no action alternative, including:
- Alternative 1 (Proposed Action) – Horizontal expansion of mining into approximately 188 acres previously undisturbed by mining (Expansion Area) and vertical deepening of approximately 125 acres of the existing mine; and,
- Alternative 2 – No Action Alternative.
The 30-day public comment period associated with this Draft EIS is: June 14, 2024 through July 15, 2024.
Comments may be made via the City of DuPont website at:
Or by providing hard copies via US mail or hand delivery to The City of DuPont at 1700 Civic Drive, DuPont, WA 98327 care of Barb Kincaid.
This Draft EIS can be reviewed at the City of DuPont website at: A copy of the DEIS can also be reviewed at the City of DuPont at 1700 Civic Drive, DuPont, WA 98327
Dig baby Dig!! Drill baby Drill … n’ Frack baby Frack!!!