Join us for the opening day of the Lakewood Farmers Market.
The market returns June 4 and runs every Tuesday from 2-7 p.m. at Fort Steilacoom Park through Sept. 17, 2024*.
Stop by on opening day to check out this year’s vendors, grab a bite to eat from one of the many food options, enjoy live music and stop by the City of Lakewood booth to get free City of Lakewood SWAG.
New this year the market will host Pop Up Markets. These events highlight specific themes and vendors. This includes:
- June 11: Veteran-owned businesses
- June 18: Wellness/Sports-focused businesses
- June 25: Minority-owned businesses
- July 2: New businesses (opened in the last 18 months)
- July 30: Women-owned businesses
- Aug. 6: Kids’ Day at the Market (children up to age 16 can sell items at the market)
- Aug. 13: Maker Fair (inventors, creators, educators, hobbyists are encouraged to inspire people with skill-building tutorials, hands-on projects, experiments and show and tell)
- Aug. 20: South Sound First Nation organizations (tribal affiliations)
- Aug. 27: Local artists
*The Lakewood Farmers Market 2024 season runs every Tuesday from June 4 to Sept. 17 except July 16 and 23.
For what it’s worth, changing the location of the Farmers Mkt. from Lwd Towne Ctr. to Ft. Steilacoom Park is not convenient for me, and alot of older adults in Lakewood.
Granted, the reason for moving probably revolves around the funds brought in, and losing the money that we would spend probably wouldnt matter very much in the long run, but it is very disappointing to hear that it will be out there again, this year.
So, another year of not being able to see the pretty flowers, honey, or new ideas, or food trucks.
I know the City of Lwd thinks they have everything running smoothly, but I thought they should be made aware of the fact that older persons are Not Happy with the location change, and because of that change, also will miss out again on another year of Farmer’s Mkts.
The reasons for not attending?
It is too far to drive, for some.
It all comes down to convenience: having inside Lwd Towne Ctr was an easy place to meet, easily accessed, and convenient for other errands also. There are access points from every direction, and that makes it handy for everybody.
I hope someone on the scheduling committee has a chance to read this, because it is importantbthat they know.
It is important that they know how discouraged so many are about their decision to move Farmer’s Mkt. to the park.
It actually looks like they are catering to the “Younger Generations”, and that must be why they make many of their decisions around here.
So nice to be dismissed without even considering another option.