Submitted by Claudia Riiff Finseth.

Please, protect the water
at the heart of our community—
The Spanaway Marsh may mean little to some,
but not to us. It is our arterial blood,
our breath, our home.
We are done with the hundred-year destruction
of filled-in wetlands, re-routed streams,
toxic human pollution and buildings too close
to these arteries of life.
We are done with our input meaning nothing
to elected officials who are supposed
to represent us and our concerns.
They need to learn democracy is not top-down.

We are done with back-room deals
meaning more than aquifers, drinking water,
acres of marsh teaming with life that filter
water to Spanaway Lake, our many creeks,
and into Chambers Bay and the Salish Sea.
We are done with special interests meaning more
than eagle and osprey, heron and duck,
Rare species of squirrel, bat and frog . . .
More than the Garry Oaks that create our sky scapes,
More than orca and octopus.

Don’t you see? This is why we live here,
At the cross-section of urban and wild.
For to look upon water as the sun sets,
To hear a heron cry their Jurassic cry,
To watch a loopy river otter at play,
To hear a chorus of frogs in the evening:
these are restoratives, healing balms
that crack open our hearts to feel again,
and inspire us to be our better selves
and better stewards for Pierce County.
They ARE our quality of life.
Please, protect our water,
work with us as we work to restore it,
help us as we work to help it.
Don’t push salmon or other species
any further toward extinction.
We cannot keep taking from nature
and have anything left in the end.
There is other land for this project
that doesn’t endanger our water and wildlife.
There is other land more appropriate to the purpose.
There. Is. Other. Land.
We speak, one voice, all who care
for all creatures, all trees, all nature, all water.
Please, protect the Marsh.
Excellent More power to you in your fight against the powers that be.
So much has already been lost. Too much.
I’m former long time resident so know how it was.
Well said . You speak to the heart of the issue. The community of Pierce
County has come together like never before to speak out against the ongoing degradation of our watershed and its habitat. We are one voice, with one message. In solidarity we stand, delivering one simple message, “We the People” have had enough!
Great words….i wish more could hear this cry for our world and mean it from the heart and soul like you.
Wonderful! All of these experiences you mentioned help to keep us sane in these troubled times. Being a military family, I have lived in many different states and also in Germany. Throughout all of our travels, I had no idea where we would finally settle down, but when I first drove over Snoqualmie Pass into the Pacific Northwest, I knew I was home! We need to do whatever is necessary to preserve all of the natural beauty that is the Pacific Northwest!
Another short sighted decision by the Pierce County Council…. These habitats are not replaceable.
We do need housing for the homeless but this is not the solution. The foot print of the development is just too large.
Why not use the old KMart on Mountain Hwy? It’s close to services and bus lines. Of course then it would be in plain site.
Well said! There are other properties available that would not impact our environment like this location. How sad it will be if they destroy this beautiful, forested area with such a beautiful pond, marsh and creeks. The damage would be irreversible to our waterways, and to our animal and bird habitats in there. Pierce County doesn’t care! I’ve lived most of my life in this neighborhood and I’m ashamed of what has become of this area.