From the Pierce Prairie Post: “Spanaway Concerned Citizens are offering tours to interested local citizens to see where in the watershed the County Executive’s Office has proposed to make this tiny home “Pierce County Village” available to single homeless people with addiction and mental health issues.
“You will see huge second growth fir trees, a large wetland, and several groves of endangered Garry Oak trees. Once you see it, you can prepare to comment at the hearings starting April 29th at Sprinker Recreation Center’s Rainier Room (upstairs).”
Read the rest of the story on the Pierce Prairie Post website.
So we stop the village. And yes ideally I am not 100 percent sold on the current location proposed. So then the good citizens of the Spanaway area have to live with more homeless on our streets? More unsupervised people with mental health issues wondering around going a muck? More garbage being left behind in the area? I need a better answer than “just stopping the village”!!
I hope it works. Let’s be positive. The bus line should extend where there is a bus stop there. Maybe there could be a partnership with Amazon for some to be trained as delivery drivers and to make a good living to be self sufficient. Also concerned about it being on septic. Consider it to be tied into the county sewer to mitigate issues with the Spanaway Lake and surrounding ponds.
I live on the lake and am 90% convinced that this program for the homeless will succeed. If this was between Roy and Yelm, no one in Spanaway would be complaining. Of course PC needs to insure that what there actually telling us about this project is truthful. If you absolutely hate this being placed where it’s planned, I would suggest a For Sale sign. Lots of folks will grab them right up. It’s funny that the homeless are not primarily the ones shooting, robbing, stealing of Kia’s and all the crap we have in our areas. Let’s see where this takes us. Might be a blessing.