Manuel pulled his truck up behind his workers who were taking a break. The crew was laughing at the antics of the Boss of the crew. The Boss was acting out a story he had just read about a salesman who spilled oil all over his sales suit, buying the only suit he could afford, an outrageously bright red suit, and running away the competition by saying his red suit was his lucky charm and always made sales when he wore it. He got the suit at St. Vinnies in South Tacoma. They also have great selection of yard equipment, and business machines and tools for both.
Manuel spoke and heads turned as the crew immediately began picking up their lunch pails and heading back to work. Manuel looked at his boss man who said, ‘It was lunchtime.” Manuel asked “Was it a cartoon or something?” The Boss said, “I read about it in The Suburban Times”. Manuel finished, “Well, when you finish, clean up and let the owner know what’s going on. You know what we do. My wife’s dear friend is having issues with a grandson. I’m elected to set him straight, I guess.
A half-hour later Manuel was in the bedroom of a very quiet Gregorio. Gregorio knew better than to smart mouth Manuel, but was not interested in listening or doing any thing. Manuel, took a different tack. “Are you dating? Gregorio gave a raised shoulder to show indifference. Manuel tried again, “Would you be dating if you had money in your pocket, would you be dating . . . or attempting to date? Gregorio, moved a tiny bit . . . and had a slight smile. “Have you every dated?” It soon became apparent that Gregorio, was a teenager raring to go, but had no prospects.
Manuel, brought his hand up to let know he was thinking. After a few minutes, Manuel said “Here’s the deal. I know where we can shop and get you some clothes, both dating clothes, work clothes, and equipment. I will set you up in your own yard maintenance updating business. You will repay me within thirty days. Gregorio had a gleam in his eye, “Do I get a car or a truck?” Manuel, responded with “No . . . but if you are any good, you should be able to pay me back, buy you some more clothes to impress the ladies, and keep out of trouble. I’ll be here tomorrow same time and we’ll start.” Gregorio nodded enthusiastically. Then Manuel remarked, “Now . . . about your hair” . . . and realized soon that was a lost cause.
Back home Manuel called his crew boss, “So where is this place that has affordable clothes and equipment?”
By the next evening Manuel and a sullen and disappointed young man made plans. What had sealed the shopping trip was a young woman who gave Gregorio the eye after he put on a new colorful outfit. The wink cost Manuel twenty dollars, but it was worth it to start the program. Manuel explained in starting next door and the rest of the block, people already knew who and where he was. They were also friendly enough to pass along services and affordable prices to their neighbors. It took more than a month to pay off the loan, but 32 Days later, Manuel got all his money back.
What a lovely story! Thank you for sharing it!