Pierce College is proud to announce the hiring of Yuritzi Lozano as our new Vice President of Learning and Student Success at Pierce College Puyallup. Her first day will be May 16.
A proud Washingtonian, Lozano established roots in the Wenatchee area after immigrating from Mexico with her family. They quickly found work in the fields, where they spent decades employed as migrant farmworkers. She witnessed firsthand the inequities and disparities farm workers face. This fueled her passion for removing barriers, creating access, and supporting historically excluded populations.
Driven by her passion, her various roles within higher education have allowed her to focus her efforts on access, retention, completion, program development, and program outreach. Before joining Pierce College, she served as the Dean of Allied Health and Professional Technical Programs at Wenatchee Valley College. She gained direct student services experience in her role as WVC’s College Assistance Migrant Program Director and as Program Manager for Highline College’s TRiO Student Support Services Program.
“I am eager to join the team at Pierce College, an institution that has led the effort around equity and racial justice,” Lozano said. “I look forward to working alongside the passionate faculty and staff to continue the path toward educational excellence.”
She earned her degrees from the University of Washington, receiving her bachelor’s degree in international studies and Spanish, with a minor in diversity. She went on to earn a master’s degree in educational leadership and policy studies. She is pursuing her doctorate at Oregon State University in adult and higher education focusing on community college leadership. Her dissertation centers on the navigational experiences of Latinx migrant farmworker students at community college’s designated as Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI).
As Vice President of Learning and Student Success for Pierce College Puyallup, Lozano will work closely with the Chancellor, President, Executive Team, and Pierce College Puyallup’s faculty and staff to advance the college’s mission to provide quality educational opportunities for a diverse community of learners to thrive in an evolving world.
Yet another apparent Pierce College “woke” hire based on identity.
If your primary skills are picking fruit and vegetables and you do nothing to improve them your options are probably going to be limited in any society. That is realty, not malicious intent. She has proved otherwise.
Despite the alleged barriers, this Country did provide her access to an education despite her belonging to a “historically excluded population”. To imply that there is some conscious systemic exclusion of certain populations from the American Dream brings into question why her family immigrated to the United States in the first place. They probably saw it as an opportunity they otherwise didn’t enjoy in Mexico. Perhaps she should ask her parents.
I applaud her passion that has driven her to success but it took more than just intense emotions. It took intellect, vision, motivation, reasoning, planning and persistence to get to where she’s at and that should be the focus of her appeal. If a migrant child of farm workers can reach for a Ph.d or become a college Vice President then anyone can do it regardless of race or ethnicity. She’s living proof.
“…provide quality educational opportunities for a diverse community of learners to thrive in an evolving world.” Something I agree with without all woke theory and racial/ethnicity based criteria. If she focuses on learning and student success for all students regardless of race or ethnicity she’ll be a success. If not, she’ll be a failure.
What Mr Arbeeny says here is factual.
It also takes courage in this time of misplaced outrage and cancel culture.
Succeeding within an education system that perpetuates only an education system is not success at all.
The liberal way is entirely dependant on an ever-increasing financial debt that it will never be able to pay back. The billion$ proposed for tuition bailouts are all the evidence needed to prove that.
So if a liberal education can’t even pay for itself outside of the education system, what good is it doing for anyone else?
BTW: her use of “latinx” to many latinos/latinas is offensive as it neuters their gender identification contrary to the case in Spanish. It lumps them together as “gender neutral” and “non-binary” members of a specific ethnic group. We (my mother is of Spanish/Cuban origin) are individuals of specific genders, male and female, countries of origin and not merely non-descript members of a group for the benefit of woke “intersectionality” political power.
“Latinx”: a perfect example of cancel culture. Not content to bastardize English to suit their woke political goals, they’ve gone and performed “equity” surgery on Spanish! How best to destroy the historical cultural roles and characteristics of both Latinos and Latinas by erasing them through a single politically motivated neologism. Destroying a society’s institutions, historical and cultural underpinnings is the first step in recreating a society in your own image.