“LAKEWOOD, Wash. — A Lakewood man is fighting to keep his home after the city ordered it to be condemned and demolished to make way for a parking lot that’s part of a plan to improve access to Lake Steilacoom.
“When Ebrahim Mirjalili first bought his home in 2009, he said he couldn’t move in immediately. He said the property, which sits along Steilacoom Lake, required quite a few renovations, and his family wasn’t able to move into the home until 2012. However, he said he’s proud of the work he put into the property.” Read the rest of the story at King5.com.
Hat tip to KM Hills for the link to the story.
It’s frankly a bit horrifying to learn of this situation. The City’s attempted land grab in this case is simply an abuse that one would expect from a bully. It’s very telling for what our City has become. City “leaders” should come to terms with their behavior, starting with the direction to Parks to revise their plan.
I thought you couldn’t adversely possess public land, since it is owned by everyone. The City probably offered to sell him those small pieces of right-of-way for fair market value, but he probably refused on principle. So, his house is officially built on public land. Your land. My land. That he never paid for. And now he’s trying to play victim in his million dollar lake front house.
Why do you think your story is the case here? Data please if it’s not your imagination that the home owner “probably” did this or that.
This is so wrong. The City of Lakewood just does what they want?
Nobody has rights over their own property?
I remember going to this park years ago when I lived on Waverly, and it is very popular and a great neighborhood meeting place. It’s relaxing and beautiful.
Why would the City of Lakewood want to make a parking lot?
How absolutely stupid.
This government is not turning out to be very helpful or respectable.
This is more like Communist dictatorship everyday.
They don’t even offer the full price that the property is worth!
Shameful the disrespect the City of Lakewood shows irs citizens.
So, everyone should build their houses on public land and then claim that the City is trying to condemn their property! Wait, that sounds wrong.
$250,000 offered for a $1,300,000 assessed valued property? What is this? Government’s version of “let’s make a deal”? Sounds more like legalized theft. The Lakewood Parks Department has often been very aggressive when it comes to “improving” parks. 20 years ago there were several attempts to pass bond issues for park “improvements” which failed overwhelmingly. Yes we love our parks but not at the cost of a city department’s empire building. There was an attempt to spend $600,000 for “improvements” on the Fort Steilacoom Park equipment building just because the City Manager “found” it as excess in the budget. There are other examples. Yet, the city refuses to adequately address the pollution in Waughop Lake (Fort Steilacoom Park) and has failed to do so for decades. Paving over park land does not necessarily improve park land.
The city government of Lakewood requires the homeowner to pay taxes on property assessed at $1.3 million, yet they intend to seize his home and land at a beautiful, prized location for $250,000? The seizure is unconscienable, and the price offered is robbery. What can Lakewood citizens do to protest and seek justice for this homwowner?
I have discussed this with different people in the City and the biggest problem is that part of his property is in the Right of Way owned by the City. I don’t like what is happening, but the City may have a legal right to do this.
Surveyors are licensed. The home owner obtained multiple surveys to document the boundaries, so who owns what should be simple. Eminent Domain would indicate the City needs that means to seize the entire lot, i.e., the ”part” that MAY be the public’s right-of-way isn’t sufficient for their vision. It’s a taking, especially at the price they’re offering, and wrong.
What people fail to realize is that public land is your land just as much as it is my land. You cannot adversely possess public land. Otherwise, what’s to prevent anyone from building anything in the streets or parks or waterways?
This is very upsetting that the city of Lakewood can go in and decide we want your land !!! Do the landowners in this area really want to have that land open to anyone that can throw a boat or a tub in the water and cruise up to their property and potentially get right on their property anytime of the day or night??? Yes this has been an open boat launch for some time and now you want to invite more people to hangout get in the water and scope out homes on the lake!!! Yes we all know how crime is up and this is just another way for criminals to get access to homes on the lake!!! Most of all it’s very sad that a family who owns the property to just be told get out!!! What would Mayor of Lakewood do if his property were chosen to be taken??? Yep he lives on that very same lake. Maybe they should take his land and make a parking area for the boat launch area ??? I hope this landowner fights for and is able to keep his property!!!
Government everywhere has been allowed to become dictatorial.
If a private property is wanted by them and those who pull their strings, then an offer beyond market value should be made plus compensation for relocation.
After all it is we the public who both pay for and benefit from such taking.
The diminution of adjacent property values, which is tied to any public development, should also be compensated.
If government doesn’t have the money for the project on those terms, then it should save up like the rest of us have to do before we make a purchase.
There is a right and a wrong way for elected officials to wield the authority we grant to them.
Once they take property, they climb up on their high and virtuous horse, boasting of living wages and American made materials which they pay top dollar for – again our dollars.
That tax-paying property owner suddenly becomes a second class citizen.
The city incorporated 28 years ago. The home owner bought his home in 2008, that is 15 years ago. Doesn’t adverse possession come into play here? The home owner has legally maintained, improved, cared for and paid taxes on the home for 15 years. Why did the city wait until now to decide to claim this land? And why the entire lot rather than just the right of way?