Last week the Lakewood Police Department’s property crime team conducted a retail emphasis patrol in the Lakewood Towne Center and surrounding retail area.
The purpose of the emphasis was to catch people shoplifting, return stolen merchandise and ultimately deter people from stealing from local businesses in the future.
Over the course of the emphasis that started mid-afternoon Friday, March 1, 2024, police arrested 20 people. Of those, 18 were booked into jail. Three of the people had active felony cases. Police also found a stolen handgun.
In total, the team was able to recover $4,160.99 in stolen items. The emphasis spanned from Lakewood Towne Center businesses to Lowe’s off 100th Street SW.
Lakewood police will continue to hold these dedicated theft emphasis patrols throughout the city to deter crime and hold people accountable for their illegal actions
A worthwhile emphasis, thank you. I’m curious as to their ages. It may not be an established penalty for shoplifting, but it would be helpful in discouraging further crime by those individuals if each could be held to some account for society’s cost of the crime such as police and court time. Just having to not keep the stolen items has zero impact, while having to pay or having their parents pay some penalty, just might have them think differently next time.
Exactly! Thank you Lakewood police officers for doing your job and getting no respect and for going after the same criminals over and over because our Law makers won’t hold them responsible and keep them in jail!!!
Thank you to LPD and the retailers for conducting this patrol. It is a sad commentary on our society that we even have a need to run them.
Thank you Lakewood Police Dept. Really like those patrols. Too bad you can’t mention names, and if under 18 of age, have their parents accountable also.
I bet, if names were printed along with parents names of kids, these under age thefts would somewhat diminish. As for the adults, name them and their addresses to let neighbors know who they are…..I feel numbers of thefts might go down.
Oh yeah, we are in a “woke society” now. We can’t do that.
I’ve lived here in the ’50’s and ’60’s when you could do that. Read the names in the paper and saw the addresses. WOW, parents really had a hold of what their kids were doing those years and for the thieving adults, they would be in jail. Names would be printed.