TACOMA, Wash. – The City of Tacoma’s Long Range Planning Division is hosting a series of public meetings in South Tacoma to engage the community on numerous neighborhood planning projects and initiatives that will overlap in the coming year. The goal is to help community members understand how the projects are interwoven, and to gather feedback from community members on neighborhood priorities and how best to leverage all of the overlapping projects into a cohesive vision for a safe and thriving neighborhood.
The first of three meetings this winter will take place the evening of Thursday, January 25 at STAR Center on South 66th Street. The meeting is designed to be a community conversation, with a short summary of the numerous projects underway in the neighborhood, and opportunities for community members to submit comments and questions to expert staff on hand. The key purpose of the January 25 meeting and other meetings in February and March is to better understand the community’s primary questions and concerns, to collaborate on a vision for the future of the neighborhood, and to identify ways that the City and community can work together on making that vision a reality.
In advance of the January 25 meeting, community members are encouraged to submit their questions online to be answered as part of the event at the following link: https://forms.office.com/g/k71P5pFuYV.
Spotlight on South Tacoma Meeting Series:
January Spotlight: Community Conversation
Date: Thursday, January 25
Time: 6-7:30 P.M.
Location: STAR Center, 3873 South 66th Street, Discover Space
February Spotlight: South Tacoma Way Neighborhood Plan-A-Thon
Date: Thursday, February 29
Time: 5:30-7 P.M.
Location: Via Zoom
- Zoom Link to Join
- Dial to Join: (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID 891 8468 9746; Passcode 123456
March Spotlight: What’s Happening; What’s Coming in South Tacoma
Date: Thursday, March 21
Time: 5:30-7:30 P.M.
Location: STAR Center, 3873 South 66th Street, Journey North Room
More information on this meeting series and other South Tacoma initiatives is available at cityoftacoma.org/spotlightsouthtacoma.
I am happy that the Neighborhood Planning Program is moving forward with working on a positive community project for South Tacoma residents. Hopefully, the Planners will allow the residents choose what type of project they want in South Tacoma.
However, the most important and urgent of projects: The ‘South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District’ updates are needed right now…very overdue with getting these updates done! We need to protect this major Tacoma aquifer…the backup drinking water source we need during drought periods! The Tacoma Planning and Development Services (PDS) Dept needs to stop delaying these needed updates.
Sad to say..but, too bad the PDS Dept Director and the City officials didn’t plan a community feedback event…BEFORE a decision was made to build Bridge Industrial’s 2.5 million sq ft warehouse IN South Tacoma. The South Tacoma residents didn’t want this massive, harmful project built close to our neighborhoods and the STW area business district. Nobody listened…or, cared about the South Tacoma residents back then.