Ten signed copies of the Wycliff novel “Haunted Homes” hidden in ten different places all over Steilacoom – a Halloween Book Hunt was on from October 27 through Halloween. I had given you ten clues as to where they might be found, and some of you might have wondered. So, here is the solution:
1. This house of wisdom kindly hosts
The thoughts of countless writing ghosts.
The library (window sill)
2. Where many meet in friendly spirit,
No ghost will ever venture near it.
The Community Center (scare crow)
3. This female spirit’s caring spark
Is reminisced by a nice park.
Perkins Park (little library)
4. This place reminds us of a road
That settlers used in escape mode.
Byrd Mill Road marker (scare crow)
5. It is an end and a beginning,
But only when the wheels are spinning.
The bus terminus (sill)
6. This is a place that one might choose
To share events and other news.
The kiosk (bench)
7. There’s benches at this park-like alley
If you like views and time to dally.
Charlie’s Park (bench)
8. This place is known for trees of fruit
And vistas of the Sound to boot.
Pioneer Orchard Park (tree)
9. This is the home of the town’s spirit,
Of weddings, and of bravest merit.
Town Hall (window sill)
10. This ghost’s initials spell a NO,
But Halloween it’s at full go.
Nathaniel Orr Home premises (tree)
I hope you had fun with the book hunt – and maybe with a book.

What a clever idea and so generous! Thanks for the many interesting columns and ideas.
Peg Doman
Thank you so much, Peg! It was fun for me as well … So is the writing. Thank you for YOURS, too. I always read it!
Indeed, all copies have been found, and the one in the little library at Perkins Park was still left there, though unwrapped on November 1 in the late afternoon. Hope the finders enjoy their books!
Susanne, Creative & fun, I say.
Susanne Bacon fan, Joseph Boyle
Thank you so much, Joseph!
Indeed, it was fun!