The City of University Place is studying possible expansions of recreation opportunities at Cirque Bridgeport Park, a 22-acre community park in the heart of the city, more commonly known as Cirque Park. As a popular local amenity, the park is already much loved and well used. It was identified in the 2020 Parks Recreation and Open Space plan as an immediate opportunity for improvements related to the currently undeveloped gravel lot located in the northwest area of the park.
Share your ideas to help the City’s Department of Public Works and Parks plan a vibrant future for Cirque Park. Visit this page again as surveys go live, looking for your input, beginning in November!
It would be extremely nice if University Place had a Senior Center. It is lovely there is so much for the young families to do however you tend to forget that there are senior citizens living among you. Also you might remember that you too will be growing in maturity and it would be someplace for you to utilize and enjoy.
Please consult & involve the neighboring residential communities such as the housing development across Cirque from the park & the condo community below the park that borders the park’s gravel area. We have not previously been included in plans for developments in the park such as the walking trail near the condo community.