On Friday September 1st our deputies responded to an injured animal call. Usually these can require deputies to put the injured animal down, which is not a fun thing to have to do. When deputies got to this call they saw an Elk who had gotten his antlers very tangled in the rope of a tree swing. With a delay for other agencies to respond our deputies stepped up to the challenge of freeing this young bull elk.
Watch as the deputy attempts to calm the elk, has a close call, but ultimately gets him free from his predicament.
(This is extremely dangerous and we would never want you to try this at home)
Wow! What an impressive job of using the tools on hand, including a calming voice, to save a frightened animal.
I’ve really been appreciative of these videos showing the array of situations the sheriff’s deputies are tasked with taking on every working day.
What a good job the deputies did! Police work is full of surprises; they never know exactly what they’ll encounter. I hope the man who was charged was not injured.
Great job, officers! Glad no one was injured.
Fantastic work! I continue to be amazed at the calls our Deputies are asked to take care of. so many out of the blue ones too. I wish all people would be as caring of animals, wild or domestic as these men and women show themselves to be while taking a chance that they may be injured in the process.
Thank you for sharing this! Animals are more appreciate then people are nowadays.
Very impressive officers! So thankful to have you out there. Thank you on behalf of all creatures, big and small!
Thank you officers!